The Health Network of The Chester County Hospital B E Y O N D G O O D C A R E Department of Nursing Strategic Plan Angela R. Coladonato, RN, MSN, NEA, BC Senior Vice President, Nursing/CNO 3 Year 2007, 2008, 2009
The Health Network of The Chester County Hospital B E Y O N D G O O D C A R E 2 Statement The Nursing Strategic Plan used as its’ foundation two of The Chester County Hospital Initiatives: –Strategic Initiative 1: Ensure high quality, cost effective, easily accessible, safe and efficient services to all patients and customers (internal and external) –Strategic Initiative 2: Establish The Chester County Hospital as provider and employer of choice.
The Health Network of The Chester County Hospital B E Y O N D G O O D C A R E 3 To exceed the expectations of those served, maintain standards of the highest quality and promote a rewarding working environment for the Nursing Department staff. Mission
The Health Network of The Chester County Hospital B E Y O N D G O O D C A R E 4 To be a Nursing Department of Distinction through excellence in clinical care and customer service. Vision
The Health Network of The Chester County Hospital B E Y O N D G O O D C A R E 5 Goal 1: To Strengthen, Develop and Support All Nurse Leaders. Goal 2: To Create a Culture and Support Mechanisms to Recognize the “Voice” for Nursing. Goal 3: To Integrate Evidence-Based Practice into Clinical Practice. Nursing Department Strategic Goals
The Health Network of The Chester County Hospital B E Y O N D G O O D C A R E 6 Goal 4: To Maximize Relationship Based Care with all Customers. Goal 5: To Strengthen Nurse Recruitment and Retention Efforts Nursing Department Strategic Goals