Introduction to Second Life Appearance, Shopping, and Getting Dressed
Joining Our Group Please join the CS-200 Class Group Joining the Group will give you access to the class Parcel in Second Life. Groups are a way of assigning permissions to large numbers of avatars without having to assign permissions individually.
Landmark Landmarks are a way to keep track of different locations within Second Life. They also allow for teleportation to each of the landmarked locations. Please accept a Landmark the CSUSM CS200 parcel.
How to Shop in Second Life Many people and organizations provide products and services for sale in Second Life. In the 2009, Second Life residents earned a total of 55 Million US dollars selling products and services! Fortunately, many of these products and services are available for free.
Freebie Stores Please accept a Landmark and teleport to the Freebie Dungeon. MattTA will demonstrate how to buy things from vendors in Second Life. Shop for a few minutes, then return to the CS200 parcel for instructions on how to use your new products.