BLOUNT COUNTY SCHOOLS VISION: Educational Excellence for All Students!
BLOUNT COUNTY SCHOOLS Mission: To Maximize the Academic Potential of Every Child in a Safe and Personalized Environment. The BCS will graduate students who are college and career ready and prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st Century workplace.
Focus on math and science for all students in all grades. Math and science need to be more coordinated and integrated for maximizing instructional time and producing positive results. Through our math and science curriculum, we need to develop the ability to analyze, synthesize and solve problems from which there are no routine solutions.
Who Mark Andrews, Mary Cooper, Sam Warwick, Mark Rowland, Justin Lane, Kendall Terry, Julie Bell, LaVada Yazel, Lisa Collins, Jared Smith, Colleen Mattison, Shane Rewis, Brad Rasmussen WhatSTEM WhenBi-monthly meetings WhereHHS STEM Center HHS STEM TEAM
STEM PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT To insure our graduates are critical thinkers who are able to solve non-routine problems in a globally competitive society. They will have developed 21st century technology and communication skills and demonstrated self-direction and social responsibility.
The BCS STEM Program will provide students with: Solid STEM coursework foundations Collaborative problem solving Experiences Research and Internship Opportunities Project-based learning The Challenge to Solve Non-routine Problems
HHS STEM TEAM’S TIER 1 GOALS Establish paths of study for STEM endorsements Gauge faculty, community, and student interest Through surveys Write a mission statement and goals for the program Propose a timeline for implementation Identify potential sources of funding and resources Thinkfinity/Verizon STEM seed money Regional Business Partnerships Pilot a STEM program for HHS and BCS
Paths of Study That Are Currently Being Developed Honors/AP Pre-Nursing Health and Life Sciences Honors/AP Pre-Engineering PRE-Engineering CAD and Design
Career Cluster Program of Study Technology Engineering Education Course Work 5 th – 8 th Grade 9 th grade10 th grade11 grade12 th grade Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Engineering & Technology th Grade Exploring Technology Foundations of Technology Technological Issues Advanced Design Applications Engineering Design (AP) 7 th Grade Inventions and Innovations 8 th Grade Technologic al Systems Science and Mathematic s th Grade Exploring Technology Foundations of Technology Technological Issues Advanced Technologica l Applications Problems and Solutions in Technology 7 th Grade Inventions and Innovations 8 th Grade Technologic al Systems Technology Engineering Education STEM Cluster
Honors/AP PRE-Engineering Semester 1Semester 2Semester 3Semester 4Semester 5Semester 6Semester 7Semester 8 Math Alg. I HGeom. HAlg IIA HAlg IIB HProb & St.Pre-Cal HCalc. HAP Calc. English Eng. I H Eng. II H Eng. III H Eng. IV H Science Bio I H Chem. HPhysics H Science Research Senior Science Social Studies W. Geo H W. Hist H US Hist HEcon HGovt H Computer Applications F. Lang IF. Lang II Principles of Engineering STEM Capstone Wellness PE/ P. FinF. Arts Electives * AP English may replace Honors English, Can CAD satisfy Comp Apps? Can CAD2 satisy F.Arts? Do we need to include Trig/Adv.Alg? Eng.II H and W.Hist H are taught during the same semester. Honors/AP PRE-Engineering Pathway
Pre-Engineering CAD and DESIGN Semester 1Semester 2Semester 3Semester 4Semester 5Semester 6Semester 7Semester 8 MathAlg IAAlg IBGeometry Alg. IIAAlg IIBFinite Math EnglishEng. I Eng. II Eng. III Eng. IV Science Bio IAPhy. Sci Chem AChem B Social Studies World Geography CADUS History Science Research EconomicsGovernment Computer Applications F. Lang IF. Lang II Principles of Engineering STEM Capstone Advanced CAD Wellness PE/ P. FinF. Arts Electives PRE-Engineering CAD and Design Pathway
Building The Capacity Advanced Placement Courses Being Offered at HHS This Year AP English IIIAP Calculus AB AP English IVAP Calculus BC AP US HistoryAP Biology AP Probability and Statistics
Scientific Research: Course Number: 3295 This class will focus on original research to be done in the course of the semester by both the class as a whole and the individual student. We will focus on correct ways to do research as well as ethical ramifications of research practices. There will be a concluding presentation that will be made by each student about the research that they completed in front of peers and faculty. Students will also be encouraged to take part in science research competitions for scholarship money.