QUADRANTS Quadrant II (-,+) Quadrant I (+,+) Quadrant IV (+,-) Quadrant III (-,-)
Every point is written in the form ( X, Y ) To plot the point, begin at the origin Move horizontally along the X ~ Axis to the designated X coordinate Than move vertically along the line of the X coordinate to the designated Y coordinate ( 4, -3 ) TO PLOT A POINT…
( -6, 3 ) ( -9, -2 ) ( 5, -2 ) ( 7, 4 ) ( 0, 8 ) ( -10, 0 ) LETS TRY IT OUT!
Without plotting the points, can you figure out what quadrant these points lie in? : ( -7, -5 ) ( 8, 1 ) ( -9, 4 ) ( 6, -3 ) LETS TRY IT OUT! Quadrant II (-,+) Quadrant I (+,+) Quadrant III (-,-) Quadrant IV (+,-)
SCATTER PLOTS A Scatter Plot is a specific type of graph which has multiple sets of coordinate pairs These pairs of points are typically organized in a data table Each pair is plotted on the same graph This type of graph is often used to interpret data and trends in real world applications
SCATTER PLOTS Scatter Plot Data Table X Y
REAL WORLD EXAMPLE Number of teens with cell phones Create a scatter graph for the data table X Y
REAL WORLD EXAMPLE Cell phone scatter graph Interpretation of the data : 1~ At what age do the greatest amount of teens have cell phones? 2~ At what age do the least amount of teens have cell phones? 3~ How many 14 year olds have cell phones? 4~ What is the greatest amount of cell phone carrying teens at any age? 5~ What is the least amount of cell phone carrying teens at any age? 6~ About how many 17.5 year olds have cell phones? X Y
Lets try a real world example of our own! Cell phone service providers Interpretation of the data : 1~ What provider(s) is used by the greatest amount of students? 2~ What provider(s) is used by the least amount of students? 3~ How many students use Verizon? 4~ What is the greatest amount of students using the same provider? 5~ What is the least amount of students using the same provider? LETS TRY IT OUT! XAT&TVerizonT Mobile Metro PCS CricketSprintOther Y A V T M C S O
Page 206 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 IN CLASS EXERCISES
ON THE CALCULATOR 2 nd Y = [STAT PLOT] 1 : Plot1…On Make sure Plot1 is in the on position GRAPH STAT 1 : Edit For L1, enter in the X values For L2, enter in the Y values WINDOW Adjust values for Xmin, Xmax Xscale Ymin Ymax Yscale
Page 206 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 & 25 Good Luck! TRY IT YOURSELF!
"Coordinate Grids." Chart. ClipArt ETC. First Last. Web. 23 Oct Larson, Ron on, Laurie Laurie Boswell, and Timothy Timothy D. Kanold. Algebra 1. McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin, ~209. Print. WORKS CITED