Madison October 4 th th Period Computer # 18 Clip Art Music: Free Play Music, Hip Hop October 4 th 2010,
Invention: Apple Computers The Apple Computer was the first huge marketed personal computer. Steve Jobs didn’t want any apps. And his computer it ended up having over 1,500. Apple 2 had colors and was in a plastic case.
Inventor: Steve Jobs Steve was born in San Francisco in the year He built the first machines to make his computers in his family garage in the year He made a company and built computers for individuals. He tried to invent “NeXT” but it failed. Jobs is the CEO of Pixar Studios Steve Jobs is also the CEO of Apple He has invented the iPod and the Macbook too.
LIMLESON-MIT PROGRAM, The Personal Computer September 29 th 2010, Clip Art
Mrs. Martin’s 6 th Grade Computer Class In Room E9 Created By Madison