Software/Hardware Companies By: Ashleigh Walker
Stock/Company Information Apple Computer NWH, Inc WAVE Systems
Companies: Apple computer –Hardware/Software –Stock symbol: AAPL NHW, inc –Software –Stock symbol: NWIR WAVE Systems –Hardware/Software –Stock symbol: WAVX
Apple Computer Brief History 1976 Steve Wozniak designs what would become the Apple I –April 1 st, Apple Computer was created 1977 Apple II was created 1980 Apple III released 1981 Wozniak is in Plane Crash and Steve Job becomes chairman in March
Apple Computer Brief History 1979 Job begins to develop LISA (right), then started on the Macintosh April 1983, former Pepsi-cola president, John Sculley, becomes president and CEO of Apple
Apple Computer Brief History January 22, 1984: during the 3 rd quarter of the Super Bowl, Apple aired its first commercial for Macintosh. 1987 Mac II is released
Apple Computer Brief History 1994 Apple introduced the PowerMac Family –First Mac’s to use the PowerPC chip, which competed with Intel’s new processor During this time, Apple began to decline in its hold on the market…
Apple Computer Brief History November 10, 1997 Steve Jobs returned as “interim” CEO. Held a press conference announcing future changes in Apple’s corporate strategy
NWH, inc Former namesake wireless cable TV business was sold out to BellSouth Now a Telecommunications holding firm National Wireless Holdings –Subsidiary company known as ENS Electronic Network Systems
Electronic Network Systems subsidiary of NWH, inc Formerly known as Electronica Data Submission Systems Allows for medical providers and payers to communicate online. –Patient eligibility –Physician referrals –Insurance authorization –etc
NWH, inc ENS- Software Production Produces software to scan forms and process claims Software is produced for Healthcare Information Systems Programs may also submit and track medical claims
Wave systems Platform designer and developer. Trusted digital exchange and e- commerce via the internet Main product is EMBASSY Trust System
EMBASSY Trust System comes with… EMBASSY client hardware chips EMBASSY client Trusted Operating System software Trust Assurance Network, a complete PKI trust delivery infrastructure Software and Hardware Developer’s Kit for EMBASSY devices and applets.
WAVE Systems Other Services Signonline SmartSignature SmartSAFE Wavexpress MyPublish
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