Please follow this link to find resources on hygiene: Hygiene can be taught in the home and practised at school. The following slides represent just a few ideas for reminders to brush teeth, strategies to teach nose blowing and a checklist for routine hygiene. Be creative and make a resource that is specific to your family’s needs. Don’t forget to let us know if you would like to share a resource with other parents. The following website was consulted in the construction of these pages:
Keeping Clean My Checklist Brush my teeth Brush my hair Clean my fingernails Put my clothes in the washing basket Have a shower or bath
Steps for Having a Shower or Bath Wet the wash cloth and wash your face Keep the cloth damp and put soap onto it so it stays bubbly Wash under your arms Wash your neck, stomach and back Wash your private parts Wash your arms and legs Wash your feet (use a scrubbing brush if needed)
Some children will need support to learn how to Blow their Nose. Here are some creative ideas to try : 1.Talk with your child about the importance of blowing the nose to keep clean, get healthy faster and prevent the spread of germs. 2.Model blowing your nose and placing the tissue in the rubbish bin. Describe each step clearly and simply. 3.If your child appears to have difficulty understanding how to blow, try teaching them blowing with the mouth first. Try blowing out candles, bubbles, a whistle or even blowing a ping pong ball and cotton ball across a table. Make it a game to see who can make the balls go fastest across the longest distance.
If you have suggestions for Hygiene Prompts that we could share with other parents/carers, please contact us on (07) or drop in to the SNAP room