The Management of People The Management of People Capability + Performance = Impact Capability + Performance = Impact Stephen Rogers BA, BCom Hons
Wicked Problems Problems so persistent, pervasive and slippery that they seem insoluble Marty Neumeier – The Designful Company, Design Management Review, Spring 2008
Survey Results Wicked problemsRank Score 1 Balancing long-term goals with short-term demands Winning the war for world-class talent Innovating at the increasing speed of change Multiplying success by collaborating across silos Predicting returns on innovative concepts Aligning strategy with customer experience Finding unclaimed yet profitable market space Combining profitability with social responsibility Protecting margins in a commoditising industry Addressing the challenge of eco-sustainability32.5
Survey Results Wicked problemsRank Score 1 Balancing long-term goals with short-term demands Winning the war for world-class talent Innovating at the increasing speed of change Multiplying success by collaborating across silos Predicting returns on innovative concepts Aligning strategy with customer experience Finding unclaimed yet profitable market space Combining profitability with social responsibility Protecting margins in a commoditising industry Addressing the challenge of eco-sustainability32.5
Survey Results Wicked problemsRank Score 1 Balancing long-term goals with short-term demands Creating a great organisation that attracts great talent Innovating at the increasing speed of change Multiplying success by collaborating across silos Predicting returns on innovative concepts Aligning strategy with customer experience Finding unclaimed yet profitable market space Combining profitability with social responsibility Protecting margins in a commoditising industry Addressing the challenge of eco-sustainability32.5
Survey Results Wicked problemsRank Score 1 Balancing long-term goals with short-term demands Creating a great organisation that attracts great talent Innovating at the increasing speed of change Multiplying success by collaborating across silos Predicting returns on innovative concepts Aligning strategy with customer experience Finding unclaimed yet profitable market space Combining profitability with social responsibility Protecting margins in a commoditising industry Addressing the challenge of eco-sustainability32.5
The article continues... “companies are beset by distrustful customers, disengaged employees and suspicious communities, we can link these problems to a legacy management style that lacks any real human dimension.” “Yet business at bottom is not mechanical but human.” “To succeed, the new (management) model must replace the win-lose nature of the assembly line with the win-win nature of the network.”
The article continues... “... jobs are avenues of self expression.” “... where talent trumps obedience, imagination beats knowledge and empathy trounces logic.” “.In Great Britain, a recent survey by the Design Council found that... among rapidly growing businesses, a whopping 47% rank (design) first” among their success factors.
The article continues... “... The creative class... now comprises 38m members or more than 30% of the American workforce.” “Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is famous for his crazy video in which he yells, I – LOVE – THIS – COMPANY. With Apple, it’s the customers who shout that.”
Focus Wicked problemsRank Score 1 Balancing long-term goals with short-term demands Creating a great organisation that attracts great talent Innovating at the increasing speed of change Multiplying success by collaborating across silos Predicting returns on innovative concepts Aligning strategy with customer experience Finding unclaimed yet profitable market space Combining profitability with social responsibility Protecting margins in a commoditising industry Addressing the challenge of eco-sustainability32.5
Performance Required Business Plan Performance Required Departments Organisation Performance Required Capability Required Performance Offered? People Capability Available Jobs “Am I recruiting, developing, managing and retaining more capable future performers?”
Focus Wicked problemsRank Score 1 Balancing long-term goals with short-term demands Creating a great organisation that attracts great talent Innovating at the increasing speed of change Multiplying success by collaborating across silos Predicting returns on innovative concepts Aligning strategy with customer experience Finding unclaimed yet profitable market space Combining profitability with social responsibility Protecting margins in a commoditising industry Addressing the challenge of eco-sustainability32.5
Retention Career Planning Measure / Improve their Impact Performance Management Engagement Measure / Improve their Performance Training Development Coaching Measure / Improve their Capability Recruitment Selection Hire More Capable People Improved Capability + Improved Performance = Improved Impact
Stephen Rogers BA, BCom Hons