Department of Higher Education and Training Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges’ Registrations and Enrolments 2014 Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 19 February 2014
As at 8 February 2014 TVET Colleges had enrolled students Enrolments at TVET Colleges take place throughout the year NC (V) in January Report 191 (Engineering) enrolments in January, April, June and August Report 191 (Business Studies) in January and July Enrolments for Occupational Programmes take place throughout the year Status of Enrolments at TVET Colleges 2
Comparative Enrolment 3 PROVINCE EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC PF Total OCC. Prog National Annual (Growth Traj.)
FET College Headcount Enrolment 4 TOTAL HEADCOUNT Enrolled as at 8 February 2013 Province NC(V) (E) NC(V) (B&G) N1 - N3 (E) T-1 N4 - N6 (E) T-1 N4 – N6 (BS) S-1 TOTAL HC HC/OCC EC4,73713,5783,5781,3929,64332,9281,502 FS1,8704,9625,8341,68612,50226, GP11,46019,45816,9439,73323,32080,9143,082 KZN9,24219,9909,6935,38420,45264,7613,229 LP8,93912,7284,0095,4419,66640,78399 MP4,2585,7125,2111,9593,57120, NW3,3596,5824,9231,0914,95520,9101,592 NC1,2281,4711, ,7316, WC5,34211,2264,9861,49811,15734,2095,532 Overall50,43595,70756,24028,28797,997328,66616,140
The Department assisted TVET Colleges in planning for the 2014 enrolment process Particular attention was given to the Eastern Cape and Limpopo provinces where additional personnel and technical assistance was deployed Staff seconded to the DHET from Provincial Education Departments (PEDs), were trained by the Department to support, monitor and verify the enrolment process The enrolment process was monitored at 170 campuses. Monitoring and verification reports are being analysed and the findings will be shared with colleges to enable them to improve in the enrolment process. Enrolment Process 5
Information and Access Clear signage was displayed at all appropriate areas of the college All prospective students arriving at campuses for registration were: - recorded - given information packs outlining the enrolment process and layout of the campus -Subjected to Placement Tests - determining academic levels and to inform the learning options and pathways for individual students Enrolment Process 6
Career Guidance Placement Testing was used to provide Career Guidance to ensure that students register for the courses to which they are most suited and qualified Financial Services A special desk provided comprehensive information and financial services, bursaries, transport, accommodation and study fee matters Further support was rendered through the DHET helpline and website Enrolment Process 7
Examination results of returning students were available enabling the student and colleges to make informed decisions regarding the placement of students A small group of students’ results could not be released owing to investigations into examination irregularities (Industrial Electronics N2 and N3). Umalusi has since approved the release of these results with the exclusion of students who were found to have been involved in the irregularities. Examination Results 8
The thoroughly planned and implemented enrolment process ensured that classes could start on day one in the majority of campuses Colleges have been required to: -implement academic support services for students -ensure that all students have the required learning materials -conduct induction and orientation programmes at all campuses. Commencement of the Academic Year 9
Issues raised were due primarily to incidence reports submitted by Department monitors at the 50 TVET Colleges Registration Fees The turning away of students due to their inability to pay registration fees was brought to the attention of the Department An instruction was immediately sent to all colleges to register students qualifying for financial support, without paying registration fees The inconsistency in the amount charged for registration fees between colleges has also emerged as a problem Issues Arising from the 2014 Enrolment 10
A marked improvement has been noted in the enrolment process of most colleges, due to effective planning. However there are still large numbers of students, who only turn up for registration when the schools commenced This put pressure on the college infrastructure, especially Information Technology (IT), and other resources Delays in Enrolments 11
Accommodation of students continues to be a challenge during and after the enrolment process Students expect to be accommodated without having applied for accommodation. Rural and peri-urban campuses have limited accommodation facilities Urban campuses use private service providers if their facilities are full New campuses will be built with student accommodation Accommodation 12
Despite massive NSFAS budget increases between 2011 and 2014 (69.3 % in 2011/12; 27,7 % in 2012/13: 9,3 % in 2013/14 and 5,9 % in 2014/15) the demands still exceeds funds available. NSFAS Challenges during the 2014 Registrations MTEF Allocation: 2011/12 – 2014/15 13 Institutions 2011/122012/132013/142014/15 R’000 FET Colleges
This year, more than students will benefit from the R2.1 billion NSFAS DHET-FET bursaries allocated to FET colleges This allocation may be insufficient to cover accommodation and travel needs of bursary recipients To expedite the allocation of funds to qualifying students, the NSFAS has already paid 10% of the 2014 allocation to colleges A means test is applied to assess eligibility Administration of the bursary remains a challenge at a few colleges The NSFAS is piloting a centralized bursary system in five TVET Colleges this year to improve bursary administration Bursaries 14
The implementation of the Bursary Rules and Guidelines was faced with challenges at some colleges In terms of the Bursary Rules and Guidelines, new students were required to obtain an average of 50% in academic performance to be eligible for the bursary It emerged that a significant number of students were not able to register, as they could not afford to pay for their studies, based on the 50% academic requirement This guideline was withdrawn Bursaries 15
The guideline on accommodation and travel has also been met with some challenges. Students whose homes are within 40km radius of the campus do not qualify for accommodation Some colleges have also demanded that returning bursary students settle their 2013 debt before re- registering This was due to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) not finalising the 2013 bursary payments The Department intervened on behalf of these students and they have since registered Bursaries 16
Report on TVET Colleges 2014, Term One Enrolment Process will be developed from the monitoring reports on the 50 colleges Individual Reports will be made available to colleges Weaker colleges will be identified for additional support in the April 2014 Enrolment Process The verification of enrolments will take place from 25 February until 28 February Verification reports on each college will be submitted on 3 March 2014 Way Forward 17
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