Experimental Studies of Planetary Materials Mike KrawczynskiPhil Skemer
Wash. U. Experimental Geochemistry Experimental Geochemistry: Its all about constraining the processes that form the planets (P, T, X, t)
Piston Cylinder 1-atm Gas Mixing Furnace Cold-seal Gas Pressure Vessel Wash. U. Experimental Geochemistry
Mantle Wedge Lower Crust Shallow Crust Subducting Slab Magma Ocean Silicate Cumulates Plag Crust KREEP Zone Lower Mantle 500 km
Wash. U. Rock Deformation Lab ?
Kinematics: How should we relate seismic anisotropy to flow patterns near plate boundaries? Wash. U. Rock Deformation Lab Dynamics: How do rocks deform near plate boundaries or deep in Earth’s mantle? How do deforming rocks generate different styles of plate tectonics on Earth and other planets?
Wash. U. Rock Deformation Lab P = 1 GPa T = 1250 C max ~0.5 Griggs Apparatus Linckens et al. (2014)
Wash. U. Rock Deformation Lab P = 6 GPa T = 1300 C = limited only by time Large Volume Torsion Apparatus
Wash. U. Rock Deformation Lab Experiments over next several years will focus on two phase materials: olivine + pyroxene (mantle) plag + pyroxene (mafic crust) cpx + garnet (eclogitized crust) How do the rheology and microstructure of polymineralic rocks evolve as a function of strain, and under what conditions does this behavior diverge from the behavior of idealized monomineralic aggregates? Large Volume Torsion Apparatus