Mrs. Westlunds research team By: Gracie Hoelzle
1 The solar system projects There are 2 million species of people on earth, that’s one thing I learned. I also learned that the sun is circled by all the planets, Another thing I learned is that water covers 75 % of the earth.
3 Ecology Ecology is a science of the relationship of living things to its environment. A plant is connected to the earth so, that is why most of these are about plants.
2 The seasons. When the earth is tilted away from the sun it is winter when the earth is facing the sun it is summer.
4 The earth is made up of 4 layers the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. Earths core
How was the Earth formed? What’s inside our Earth? Answers to questions like these and much more!