Europe for eHealth: the way ahead eHealth 2006 conference, Tromso, Norway, May Peter Zangl, Deputy Director-General DG Information Society and Media European Commission
Well known fact: H Well known fact: Health sector is facing great challenges Resource & Information management Ageing population, rising costs eHealth ICT applications and services in health sector Less known fact: e Less known fact: eHealth is a tool for these challenges The tool for information management Improves access and quality of care Proven to be cost-effective
eHealth applications are here now, they have already proven benefits – quality, access, productivity including cost benefits eHealth applications are here now, they have already proven benefits – quality, access, productivity including cost benefits DG Information Society and Media at the forefront in supporting R&D, industrial innovation, promotion of developed and proven eHealth solutions DG Information Society and Media at the forefront in supporting R&D, industrial innovation, promotion of developed and proven eHealth solutions Many success stories presented at eHealth Ministerial Conferences and Exhibitions (2003, 2004 & 2005) and related publications; best practice studies Many success stories presented at eHealth Ministerial Conferences and Exhibitions (2003, 2004 & 2005) and related publications; best practice studies eHealth- proven benefits
PAST PAST 10 years ( ) Computer Applications for Doctors Telemedicine systems and services Budget 20M € Budget 100M € Budget 140M € Budget 200M € Projects 30 Projects 63 Projects 158 Projects 125 Results Feasibility Study Results AIM Community Results 1 st batch of Products Results EU Health Telematics Industry Regional Health Info Networks Home-care systems Personal Health Systems NEXT NEXT 10 years ( ) eHealth COMMUNICATION Coordination & Support to Regional - National Plans, International cooperation eEurope and i2010 initiatives Ministerial eHealth Conferences Technology assessment & transfer Support to deployment ’89-’91’91-’94’94-’98’98-’02 20 Years of eHealth R&D & Policy
Communication: COM(2004) 356 final ‘e-Health – making healthcare better for European citizens: An action plan for a European e-Health Area’ e-Health action plan: main areas of activity Addressing common challenges – selected examples: Best practices collection (EC, 2005) National/regional roadmaps (MS, 2005) Common approaches for patient identifier (EC+MS, 2006) Interoperability standards for EHR and messaging (EC+MS,2006) Boosting investments in eHealth (MS, 2007) Deployment of health information networks (MS, ) Including broadband, wireless, grids Legal framework, certification of qualifications (EC+MS,2009) Everybody’s contribution counts – contact your representatives of this Action Plan monitoring in your country’s Ministry of Health or Ministry of Industry/Development
Examples of current research activities and achievements Personal health support systems for monitoring Assisting in - Prevention and inclusion - Autonomy and Mobility - Patient education - Lifestyle management Greater participation and empowerment of patients
Personalisation of information, health services, treatments e.g. bringing advances in genomics to health leading to personalisation of treatments, information, health services Support to new technologies Support to new technologies Molecular and functional imaging Improving the understanding of all factors Improving the understanding of all factors determining human health determining human health Associating genotype an phenotype Modelling and simulation, Modelling and simulation, Biological processes, diseases eCell, eOrgan Virtual “physiological” Human ICT for Health Examples of future research activities
Healthcare Expenditures > € 3,000 bln worldwide, USA makes up 45% Healthcare Expenditures > € 3,000 bln worldwide, USA makes up 45% Medical equipment, services, devices and supplies € 260 bln worldwide Medical equipment, services, devices and supplies € 260 bln worldwide ICT for health currently 2-3% potential to reach 5% by 2010 ICT for health currently 2-3% potential to reach 5% by 2010 Towards wider deployment in eHealth