Dear User, This presentation has been designed for you by the Hearts and Minds Support Team It provides a guideline for conducting a Understanding Your Culture workshop Please note that all the examples have been chosen to support people from all industries Please, feel free to replace them with your own examples and/or add any slides and exercises you find useful We hope you will find it useful Best regards, The Hearts and Minds Support Team
Copyright SIEP B.V.
Understanding Your HSE Culture
Understanding Your Culture What A tool that helps to identify gaps in local HSSE culture and agree plans to drive performance improvement Why For the welfare of the workers as well as their supervisors we need to achieve Goal Zero How By providing a clear view of both the present and the desired culture, by identifying behaviours that can help to reduce the gap, and by creating a personal Action Plan that leads towards improvement
Company Culture A strong culture is where everyone: Value safety Expect the unexpected Know what to do Are open to suggestions Want to make a difference Believe their behaviour makes a difference for others And Managers in particular: Lead by example See the behaviour of others as reflecting their leadership
HSE Performance over time Time Incident rate Technology and standards HSE Management Systems Improved culture Engineering improvements Hardware improvements Safety emphasis E&H Compliance Integrated HSE-MS Reporting Assurance Competence Risk Management Behaviour Visible leadership / personal accountability Shared purpose & belief Aligned performance commitment & external view HSE delivers business value
PATHOLOGICAL who cares as long as we’re not caught REACTIVE Safety is important, we do a lot every time we have an accident Increasing Trust/Accountability Increasingly informed PROACTIVE Safety leadership and values drive continuous improvement. GENERATIVE (High Reliability Orgs.) HSE is how we do business round here CALCULATIVE we have systems in place to manage all hazards The Safety Culture Ladder
Culture Ladder – Short exercise “The lawyers/regulator said it was OK” “Of course we have accidents, it’s a dangerous business” “Fire the operator who had the accident” PATHOLOGICAL “We are serious, but why don’t they do what they’re told?” Endless discussions to re-classify accidents “You have to consider the conditions under which we are working” REACTIVE “We cracked it!” Lots of audits HSE advisers chasing statistics CALCULATIVE Resources are available to fix things before an accident Management is open but still obsessed with statistics Procedures are “owned” by the workforce PROACTIVE Chronic unease – there is always a possibility for an incident Safety seen as a profit centre New ideas are welcomed GENERATIVE
Oganisational Characteristics Exercise Read from left to right through the Organisational Characteristics table Tick your current level as you read through the 18 dimensions (more than one tick is possible) Not all descriptions are applicable for all organisational levels
Scoring Use the Score Sheet to calculate the overall score What are you areas for improvement? What level of maturity are you aiming for? Compare your scores with others who were rating the same part of the organisation Are the any differences? Where do they come from?
How The Culture Feels Personally Read from left to right through the Examples Of How The Culture Feels Personally What will You do to improve the organisational safety culture?
Your “I …” statements Are they As advanced as you want the organisation to be? Specific – Are you clear what they are going to do? Visible – Could you film it? Different – Is it a change from what you normally do? Realistic – Are you able to do it? Adequate – Do they match your aspired culture level? Measurable – Can you tell what difference they will make? Do you need to rethink your “I...” statements?
Group Work I will do regular walkabouts to catch people working unsafely – (Reactive) I will make sure everyone uses the PTW properly and all the right signatures are in place - (Calculative). I will make sure everyone at each toolbox talk talks about their risks and how they will manage them – (Proactive) “I...” statements How can I change my behaviour to shift the culture to the next level upwards? OPTIONAL SLIDE
Personal Action Plan How can you improve? What are you going to do differently? When are you going to start? How are you going to do it? Who will review it? When will the follow up be? Is your Action Plan SMART: Specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Time based?
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