Preparing for and the Lessons from the QAA HE Review A Perspective from West Herts College Scott Isaacs
Pre visit announcement SED submission time Lead up to visit The visit Academic year of visit Visit announced HE Review
1. Pre-visit announcement Revisit previous IQER report & actions Audit college and partners’ quality systems, policies and procedures, website, promotional materials, prospectuses etc. ensuring consistency Training & development activities around Quality Code & Enhancement – encourage ownership Complete ‘Responsibilities Checklist’ document Consider what enhancement means to your institution, your senior leaders, your teachers, your students. Add enhancement to agendas
Attend QAA briefings Feed info back to staff at all levels Liaise with partner organisations/students/employers Challenge delivery team & senior managers to consider how programmes have been, are being and will be enhanced Seek strategic and operational examples of enhancement and start collating evidence to support these aligned with the Quality Code Attend QAA briefings Feed info back to staff at all levels Liaise with partner organisations/students/employers Challenge delivery team & senior managers to consider how programmes have been, are being and will be enhanced Seek strategic and operational examples of enhancement and start collating evidence to support these aligned with the Quality Code 2. Upon announcement of the visit
3. SED submission time Collate all examples of enhancement, supporting evidence & consider impact – match with Quality code. Identify any gaps and seek further examples Ensure enhancement remains a priority at strategic and operational levels Engage with students Engage with your partners/employers Share drafts and the final version of the SED with senior managers, delivery staff and partners
4. Academic year of visit Re-audit college and partners’ quality systems, policies and procedures, website, promotional materials, prospectuses etc. Ensure consistency with these Enhancement file created and all relevant HE meetings to focus around enhancement Ensure current students are experiencing enhancements SED sessions with all relevant HE staff Create an Enhancement action plan
5. Lead up to visit Revisit the SED with all HE staff/students Share all requests for additional evidence with all relevant HE staff, partners and senior managers identifying key themes Staff briefings/tests! Conduct a mock review, involve partners and externals Share lines of inquiry with partners and all HE staff
6. The visit Manage the process – involve as many people as possible but know your dream team Identify and share themes with all HE staff Pre and post meeting briefings Keep partners informed of progress/developments Information sharing is key
Operational aspects Strategic oversight from senior leaders Enhancement Enhancement for students & staff
Top Tips and what we’ve learnt
Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Practices at WHC post HER
Things we’ve done to Support and Enhance T&L 3. Academic level 5. TLL 6. HEA 2. Used feedback 4. Promonitor 1. Induction
1. Review of Induction
2. Used Feedback Staff have made the subject interesting75%79% 2. The course is intellectually stimulating84%76%
3. Academic Level
4. Promonitor
5. TLLs designated to support HE GS (FDSS) – consistent grade 1 HE tutor JR(HND Health and Social Care) – consistent grade 1/2 HE tutor
Further support for T&L (Graduate Attributes) Training around a wider range of delivery styles including seminars and workshops and to include digital literacy and innovative practices Pitching it right - training and guidance to be delivered to wider teaching teams re: pitching at right academic level in response to learner feedback Masterclasses – students and staff (social media including Linked in, referencing apps)