Chapter 10 Section 4: India’s Muslim Empire
Section 1: India’s Muslim Empires By 1100’s Muslims controlled Northern India. –A sultan established Delhi as the capital of the Delhi sultanate. –Muslim attacks included onslaughts that killed many Hindus and destroyed Buddhist Temples.
Section 1: India’s Muslim Empires Change –Muslim rulers changed Indian government. –They welcomed immigrants and Scholars. –Trade Increased. –Culture created beautiful art and architecture. Clash –Hindu and Muslim religious beliefs clashed and created many conflicts.
Section 1: India’s Muslim Empires Clash Cont. –Muslims worshiped a single god, while Hindus prayed to several. –Hindus accepted the caste system, while Islam promoted equality. Blended –Graduall the cultures blended. –Muslim rulers allowed Hindus to practice their religion. –Some rajahs continued governing.
Section 1: India’s Muslim Empires Blended cont. –Some Hindus converted to Islam. –Muslims adopted some Hindu customs and beliefs. –Urdu, a new language, blended several languages began being used. –Sikhism a new religion developed that combined Muslim and Hindu ideas.
Section 1: India’s Muslim Empires Mughal dynasty –Babur a great Muslim leader. –Defeated armies of the Delhi sultanate and established the Mughaal dynasty. It ruled from –Lands included much of the Indian subcontinent. –Akbar ruled the Mughal dynasty from
Section 1: India’s Muslim Empires Mughal Dynasty cont. –Akbar cont. Organized a strong central government. Improved the army. Supported internatinal trade. Allowed Hindus to work in the government. Promoted peace through religious tolerance.
Section 1: India’s Muslim Empires Mughal Dynasty cont. –Nur Jahan (Akbar’s son’s wife) managed the government after Akbar died. Most powerful woman in Indian history until the 1900’s. –The height of Mughal literature, art, and architecture came during the reign of Akbar’s grandson, Shah Jahan. As a tomb for his wife he built the Taj Mahal.