FUNGI They’re not plants!
# of CELLS Multicellular= many Unicellular= one
TYPE of CELLS EUKARYOTIC Their cells have a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.
GENETIC MATERIAL They have DNA found inside the nucleus.
STRUCTURE Multicellular fungi are made of thin filaments called HYPHAE. Each hyphae is only one cell thick!
STRUCTURE Hyphae tangle together into a thick clump called MYCELIUM.
STRUCTURE A MUSHROOM is actually the fruiting body of a fungus. The fruiting body is the reproductive structure of the fungus.
REPRODUCTION Fungi reproduce ASEXUALLY AND SEXUALLY!!! The reproductive cells are called SPORES
REPRODUCTION Releasing the spores… Puffball Stinkhorn Bird’s Nest Fungus Spores released from gills
NOURISHMENT HETEROTROPHS that DO NOT ingest their food! They digest their food outside their body and then absorb it Some absorb nutrients from decaying matter in the SOIL. Some live as parasites absorbing nutrients from LIVING HOSTS.
RESPIRATION Not all fungi are alike! Obligate aerobes: must use OXYGEN Obligate anaerobes: must live WITHOUT OXYGEN Facultative anaerobes: can survive with OR without OXYGEN.
Movement Fungi DO NOT move on their own!
OTHER Some Fungi live together with other organisms (symbiosis) –Fungi + Algae = Lichen –Fungi + Bacteria = Lichen –Fungi + Plant Roots = Mycorrhizae
HELPFUL Ex. Fungi are the DECOMPOSERS - a very important part of every ecosystem Fungi RECYCLE NUTRIENTS by breaking down dead organisms and their waste products!
HARMFUL Ex. Parasitic fungi can cause diseases. –Corn smut –Wheat Rust –Athlete’s Foot/Ringworm –Yeast Infection/Thrush –Cordyceps in insects