Milton Keynes Council Tenants Group Presentation on Customer Feedback for Planned & Responsive Repairs 25 th January 2012 Presented By: John Lavin Building Services Manager
1111 Over all the types of work to repair, maintain & improve our properties we carry out in excess of visits each year. This includes: Gas servicing Heating repairs Installations of new heating system Day to day repairs Repairs to empty homes Window replacement Other planned projects
2222 We can’t inspect or be on site for all these works to understand how well this goes therefore it is critical that we get feedback from residents This helps us concentrate on areas we need to improve as well as use positive experiences to share with other contractors and staff
3333 Satisfaction Cards In previous years we collected feedback using satisfaction cards & surveys For the majority of our work these were left with residents to complete & return by post In 2010 – 2011 we received around 2300 responses. This is feedback of customer experience for less than 5% of work.
4444 What we do now Since April 2011 we stopped using cards, initially on the responsive repairs contract, and started phoning residents once their repair was complete. We ask 4 specific questions: 1. Were you able to choose an appointment time that suited? 2. Did the operative show you their ID card? 3. Were you satisfied with the service? 4. How many visits did it take to complete the work? A fifth question allows them to make any additional comments.
5555 What difference has this made - MITIE From April to end of Dec 2011 we have had feedback on almost 4300 day to day repairs. This represents an average of just over 20% of repairs each month We aim to make the call as close to the work being completed as possible in order to respond to any immediate concerns or queries, e.g. ‘work was done well but can you just confirm that my new radiator is due to be fitted?’
6666 What difference has this made - MITIE Of the 4 questions one of the areas which scored lower than we wanted related to the ID badges. This was feedback to MITIE straight away and they began to take various actions to improve including: Reminding staff at all toolbox talks of the importance Reviewing their system for dealing with renewals & replacements at a local level Now in the process of issuing new holders which make it more practical for the operatives to safely display their badge. From quarter 1 results of just over 60% saying yes they showed their I.D badge it has gone up to 75% in quarter 3.
7777 Other contracts & work areas We then to rolled this out further during the year to other contractors including Wheldons, Potton Windows & Apollo. We generally ask the same questions, with some slight differences for example for Apollo to better reflect the work they have done. Again we’ve seen an increase in responses compared with the satisfaction card method
8888 Some of the feedback we’ve received In quarter 3 For MITIE over 93% of respondents said they were satisfied with the service they received. For Apollo over 98% said they were satisfied For Weldon's over 98% of those asked said they were satisfied
9999 Some of the feedback we’ve received ‘Very nice of you to ring and check’ ‘I am almost blind so would not have seen his badge anyway he was very nice and fixed light within minutes Thank you so much for ringing’ ‘just waiting for rain unfortunately to see if roof repair okay’ Not really happy as continual problem door swells when damp every few months emergency appointment, tnt not happy as asked to put out cigarette.
10 What can we do in the future Continue to look at how we collect feedback Consider scaling back in some areas if we need to collect more in another area of work Use the calls as an opportunity to check other issues such as are their smoke detectors working Any ideas?