Waterloo Residences Operating budget
Budget meeting agenda 1.Welcome 2.Residence Room Inventory and Assignment Overview /15 Operating Budget a)Where does the money come from? b)Where does the money go? 4.Proposed Residence Fees for 2014/15 5.Questions!
Residence Room Inventory: 5,298 beds Assignment: First year ~ 80.1% or 4,245 beds All others ~ 19.9% or 1,053 beds Columbia Lake Village V1, REV, Minota Hagey Mackenzie King, UW Place
Where does the money come from? Nearly all from residents Housing is an ancillary or “business” operation that must support itself completely Residence fees and miscellaneous income (e.g.: laundry, off-campus housing listing fees, etc.) Budget process includes discussion with you on how the money is spent
What makes us special… Quality rooms, furnishings, and living space Cleaning and maintenance ResNet, communications and technical support Living-Learning initiatives Administrative areas (Admissions, front desks, OCH, etc) 100 Dons, 8 Community Co-ordinators, 5 Residence Life Co-ordinators, 4 Community Assistants Community building and activity programming
V1 - Backflow preventers, Paint, Rad covers, Stairs (~$680k) V1 & UWP - Window replacement (~$700k) UWP - Paint, Repair tunnel leaks, Replace roof (~$630k) MKV - Backflow preventers, Brick repairs (~$100k) Tutor House - Sewage ejectors, Grading, Reseal windows(~$47k) REV - Replace lights, Janitor sinks (~$80k) CLV - Replace roof & MHR - Repair wall (~$40k) Furnishings - Window coverings, Beds, Desks & Lighting (~$330k) Equipment - Appliances & Cleaning equipment (~$350k) Renewal & Repairs that impact the budget
Housing and Residences Budget
Student Villages (2-term fee) 2014/15 $ Monthly $ Dorms: Single5, Interconnecting5, Double5, Suites: Single (4-bdrm suite)6, Minota Hagey (1-term fee) 2014/15 $ Monthly $ Single (dorms)3, Columbia Lake Village 2014/15 $ Monthly $ Single room – 1 term (2-bdrm townhome) 2, Single room – 2 terms (4-bdrm townhome) 5, bdrm - unfurnishedn/a1,198 UW Place (Suites) (2-term fee) 2014/15 $ Monthly $ Double Room (Beck Hall)5, Single room (2-bdrm suite) 6, Single room (3 or 4-bdrm suite) 5, Residence Fees