JCL Church of the Nazarene Building & Property Challenges Sunday October 23, 2011
THE CHALLENGE Prepare for Guests! Parking Lot-Repair potholes, Seal- Coat Roof Repair & Replacement Apportionment commitment P.A. System-Equipment Upgrade
THE COST Parking lot $ $4000 North Flat & pitched roof $12,000 South Flat & Pitched roof $15,000 - $18,000 Apportionments $2300 (Approx.) P.A. $ $3000
THE PLAN It is God’s Church We are God’s people He will help us find ways to pay for it Everyone can do Something It’s not about the Provision but the PROVIDER!
WHAT CAN I DO? Pray and ask God to speak Tithe first-IT IS GOD’s WAY Then, Do Extra as God leads Involve your family Get creative TRUST THE LORD!
SOME GIVING IDEAS Double Tithe for a specified time Give an extra amount for 3 months Give a lump sum Pay for a parking space - $45! Pay for a square foot of roof - $4! $2300/60=$38