Three Kings Quarry 19 August 2013 – Site Liaison Group Meeting Site Monitoring Report 1
August 2013 Site Monitoring Report This Site Monitoring Report is a summary of environmental monitoring data collected since the last Site Liaison Group meeting and includes: Groundwater Level Monitoring Results Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Air Quality Monitoring Results Noise Monitoring 2
Groundwater Level Monitoring Dewatering of Three Kings Quarry commenced in March 1999 Groundwater levels within Three Kings Quarry have been held at RL34m since October 2002 Groundwater levels are currently being measured monthly in 54 boreholes and piezometers located in and around Three Kings Quarry A pneumatic piezometer ceased working in April 2013 (25b1 on Hillsborough Road). Groundwater levels will continue to be monitored in BH25a Groundwater levels are continuing to follow seasonal trends 3
5 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Monitoring of Groundwater Chemistry commenced in December 2011 following the granting of Resource Consents to fill Three Kings Quarry Samples are taken at three monthly intervals from the Dewatering Bore within Three Kings Quarry and from BH7 on Landscape Road for analysis of chemical parameters including metals and a range of organic compounds Trigger levels have been set for chemical parameters in each of the bores
6 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Results Results from the quarterly monitoring undertaken 27 June 2013 have been received since the last SLG meeting All parameters were compliant with the exception of Zinc in BH7. As required by conditions of consent BH7 was re-sampled (8 July 2013) The result for Zinc in the re-sample was again above its trigger level. As such, the Auckland Council has been notified. The notification to Auckland Council noted: that there is no direct groundwater link between the quarry and BH7 the Zinc trigger in BH7 has been recorded previously the Zinc trigger in BH7 is a result of ambient groundwater quality the Zinc trigger in BH7 is not related to filling operations no further action is required
Air Quality Monitoring Air Quality Monitoring equipment at Three Kings Quarry consists of two Continuous Real Time Beta Attenuation Monitors (BAM), two Hi-Vol TSP samplers, time lapse video cameras and a metrological station The BAM monitor located on the roof of the site office has been operating since April 2008 A second BAM monitor was commissioned in April 2012 in the south-western corner of Three Kings Quarry The Hi-Vol TSP samplers on the northern boundary and on the roof of the site office have been retained to provide an overlap between the BAM real time monitor and the Hi-Vol samplers The Hi-Vol sampler adjacent to the BAM monitor takes a 24-hour sample once every 3 days The Hi-Vol on the northern boundary takes a 24-hour sample once every three days for the months of 1 November to 30 April and once every six days for the months 1 May to 31 October The BAM monitors take a continuous sample averaged for each 15 and 30 minute period for the northern and southern boundary BAM’s respectively. 7
8 Air Quality Monitoring Equipment
9 Air Quality Monitoring Results 43 samples were collected from the Hi-Vol samplers for the period 20 April to 20 July 2013 No air quality monitoring triggers have been recorded during this period for either the Hi-Vol samplers or BAM monitors The air quality trigger is 80 μg/m3 per 24hour period The BAM monitor in the south-western corner of Three Kings Quarry malfunctioned from the 23rd of June – initially considered to be a calibration issue, ultimately replacement parts were required to be imported to repair this dust monitor
11 Noise Monitoring Results To ensure that the noise performance standards set in the District Plan are met, monitoring on two representative occasions per year is undertaken. The District Plan requires that the noise from the quarry shall not exceed L A10 55dBA at or within the boundary of any residential property Noise monitoring was undertaken on 5 July 2013 to the west and south of Three Kings Quarry as detailed in the Quarry Management Plan Monitoring recorded 51dBL A10 at the western monitoring location. The dominant sound sources for this measurements are detailed in the report as: Fill operations (excavator and bulldozer) Due to significant construction works at a building site adjacent to southern monitoring location noise monitoring of quarry activities was not possible as this construction works was the dominate noise source.
12 Thank you - that concludes the August 2013 Monitoring Report