COS 125 DAY 21
Agenda Assignment 8 corrected 4 A’s, 2 B’s, 2 C’s and 1 late Assignment 9 not corrected yet Capstone progress report due There will be no assignment 10; not enough time left in semester Quiz 3 is on April 23 Chapters & 25 20 M/C and 4 Short essays 60 mins, Open Book Open Notes Capstones presentations and projects due April 27 Discussion on Javascript, Podcasting and Real Simple Syndication
More Javascript Tricks Adding the current date & time To “write” to the xHTML page Document. write(“some xHTML stuff” + Javascript + “some more xHTML stuff”); What ever is not in quotes is considered script Date(); returns the current client date and time tml tml time.txt
Setting a target window size Replace the href value in a standard link with "javascript:location=‘parent.html';‘newpage.html', ‘window_name', 'height=250, width=250,scrollbars=yes')"> Where ‘parent.html’ is the url of the xHTML page where this link is placed ‘newpage.html’ is the url of the page the new window will display “window_name’ will be the name of the newly open window Can be used as a target for other hyperlinks height is the height in pixels of the new window width is the width in pixels of the new window
Setting a new window’s attributes NameTypeDescriptionExample widthnumber Width, not including chrome (in pixels) width=640 heightnumber Height, not including chrome (in pixels) height=480 leftnumber Horizontal position wrt. screen (pixels) left=0 topnumber Vertical position wrt. screen (pixels) top=0 titlebarbooleanWindow has titlebartitlebar=no menubarbooleanWindow has menubarmenubar=yes toolbarboolean Window has toolbar (e.g., back button) toolbar=yes locationbooleanWindow has location barlocation=no scrollbarsbooleanWindow has scrollbarsscrollbars=yes statusbooleanWindow has statusbarstatus=yes resizablebooleanWindow can be resizedresizable=no
Changing images Create a clickable image Add the following to the opening tag onmouseover=“document.daPicture.src=‘new.gif’” onmouseout=“document.daPicture.src=‘imag e.gif’” ascript/rollover.html ascript/rollover.html
Preloading images into cache Place in an external javascript file aPicture= new Image(H#, W#) aPicture.src = “image.gif” bPicture= new Image(H#, W#) bPicture.src = “2image.gif” Save file as somefile.js In head section of xHTML load the somefile.js In xHTML page onmouseover="document.catpic.src=bPicture.src“ cript/loadimages.html cript/loadimages.html
Syndication and Podcasting Syndication Allows for updates for your site to be “pulled” by an “aggregator” from a “feed” that you create Podcasts Syndications feeds with multimedia components
Feeds While there was many different feed types the most widely accepted standard is RSS 2.0 All RRS feeds are written in XML Two parts to every RSS feed Introduction List of items Examples
RSS Introduction Required elements Title name of feed channel Link url of feed channel web server Description phrase or sentence describing feed channel ples/syndicating/channel.xml ples/syndicating/channel.xml
RSS Items Elements Title title of item Link link to the full item Description description of link to be viewed by feed subscribers ples/syndicating/items.xml ples/syndicating/items.xml
RSS Aggregators While most RSS feeds are viewable by all Internet Browsers except Chrome, a feed aggregator allows a user to subscribe to a RSS channel (feed) Once a RSS channel is added to an aggregator updates to the feed will be pulled by the aggregator and presented to the user Subscribed Feeds are in bookmarks in FireFox, the favorites toolbar in IE, the Feeds menu drop down in Opera, and in the RSS feeds folder in Microsoft Outlook
Making your own feed Used to inform about new content or changed content Starting a feed Create a basic XML page in Dreamweaver Set RSS version and establish the channel
Introduction Add a Title, link and description an other tags as necessary Between and tags.htm tags.htm My RSS Feed This is a beginning of an RSS for COS 125 students
Add Items to your feed Each item should be between and tags Between and and after introduction section Minimum of title, link and description COS 125 Class Page This web site contains information useful for Web Development students and the work of the students currently in COS
Adding an enclosure For video, audio, images and other file types Find the size (in bytes) of the file you intend to include Find the MIME type for the file An example enclosure This picture is from my 2002 bike trip to Sturgis SD <enclosure url=" length="3265" type="image/jpeg" />
Creating Podcasts for iTunes Apple will distribute your RSS feeds on iTunes casts/specs.html casts/specs.html Pages & 393 & 397 in your text book for information on iTunes Podcasting
Validating an RSS feed There is a W3 org validator for RSS feeds
Publishing a feed on a webpage Create a link to the feed MY RSS Feed New Feed Forces use of clients default RSS aggregator