1 Charter School Facility Survey August 2015
2 2 Majority of charter LEAs have interest in a city-owned building Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses from 55 out of 62 LEAs.
3 Expansion is the most common reason for interest in a city-owned building 3 Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses from 55 out of 62 LEAs. Note: Schools could report more than one reason for interest in a city-owned building.
4 Charter Schools are Housed in a Wide Variety of Facility Types 4 Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses from 55 out of 62 LEAs.
5 Majority of charter school facilities are leased 5 Source: PCSB Facilities database, for all 109 facilities operating in SY15-16.
6 In SY14-15, at least $13.6 million was paid to private landlords of charter school facilities 6 CampusFacility Payments to private landlords in SY14-15 Carlos Rosario International PCSSonia Gutierrez $1,610,600 Hope Community PCS - LamondLamond $1,513,872 Hope Community PCS - TolsonTolson $1,307,272 Richard Wright PCS for Journalism and Media ArtsM Street, SE $1,250,000 William E. Doar, Jr. PCS for the Performing ArtsEdgewood Street, NE $1,228,554 District of Columbia International School PCS th Street, NW $645,120 AppleTree Early Learning PCS – Oklahoma AveOklahoma Avenue $544,000 LAYC Career Academy PCS15th Street, NW $405,000 Sela PCSChillum Place, NE $391,667 Center City PCS – PetworthPetworth $366,974 Center City PCS – TrinidadTrinidad $361,345 Center City PCS - Capitol HillCapitol Hill $350,088 Center City PCS – BrightwoodBrightwood $348,059 Center City PCS – ShawShaw $341,082 Center City PCS - Congress HeightsCongress Heights $312,118 Youthbuild PCS14th St NW $307,000 AppleTree Early Learning PCS – Southeast [Parklands]2011 Savannah Terrace, SE $283,800 Bridges PCS1244 Taylor Street, NW $256,828 Bridges PCS1250 Taylor Street, NW $240,472 Community College Preparatory Academy PCSMartin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE $216,000 Early Childhood Academy PCS4025 9th Street, SE $213,624 Academy of Hope Adult PCS [Southeast]Southeast $208,858 Shining Stars Montessori Academy PCSChillum Place, NE $200,000 Eagle Academy PCS - New Jersey AvenueNew Jersey Avenue, SE $171,533 Early Childhood Academy PCS4301 9th Street, SE $170,469 Briya PCSOntario Road, NW $168,912 Briya PCSGeorgia Ave $100,847 Academy of Hope Adult PCS [Edgewood]Northeast $ 70,040 Total $13,584,135
7 Nearly a quarter of charter school facilities do not support the school’s academic mission 7 Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses for 98 out of 109 facilities.
8 80 percent of facilities are easily accessible by public transportation 8 Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses for 98 out of 109 facilities.
9 30% of charter schools do not agree that indoor quality of facilities is comfortable for students 9 Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses for 98 out of 109 facilities.
10 More than half of charter schools have concerns about the condition of their facility; HVAC systems are the most common concern otherwise 10 Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses for 98 out of 109 facilities.
11 85 percent of charter schools have concerns with the adequacy of spaces; fitness and outdoor learning areas are common concerns 11 Source: Charter school facility survey, SY Responses for 98 out of 109 facilities.
12 12 DC-owned buildings (1.8mm sq ft) are vacant and sought by charters Only one is possibly available to K-12 charter schools Building Square feet Ward 2014 Master Facility Plan Designation Usage Davis71,1007Vacant Acceptable condition Future Early Childhood Center; competitive process in Fall 2015 to identify charters for co-location Ferebee- Hope 193,8008Vacant Acceptable condition, part DPR site Unavailable: Per Student Assignment and Boundary Plan, DCPS may need to re-open Fletcher- Johnson 306,0007 Vacant (current RFO) Built in 1977 and fair condition as of 2008 with a recently built field Likely adult only: Unsolicited proposals accepted until December 2015; if no award, new solicitations will be released for charter and development partners with likely adult preference Kenilworth57,1007Not mentioned Unavailable: In use by non-DCPS entity (DPR co-location with DC Promise Neighborhood) Fair to good condition as of 2013 Malcolm X110,8008Vacant Built in 1973 and fair to poor condition as of Possible future Adult Learning Center; competitive process in Fall 2015 to identify charters for co-location. Recently converted to a temporary community center. Marshall103,8005Vacant Unavailable: Per Student Assignment and Boundary Plan, DCPS may need to re-open M.C. Terrell 112,0008 Vacant – RFO (Somerset) Possibly available. No award was made in the Fall 2014 solicitation – Charter school was rejected Unsolicited proposals accepted monthly until award is made or 12/2015. Charter school reapplied Ron Brown156,0007Vacant Facility condition is average Unavailable: Per Student Assignment and Boundary Plan, DCPS may need to re-open Shaw230,4006Not mentioned Unavailable: In use – Administrative purposes Spingarn225,0005Vacant Unavailable: Future Career and Technical Education Center (built in 1952) Wilkinson144,9008Not mentioned Unavailable: In use – Administrative purposes (file storage) Built in 1976 and fair condition as of 2008 Winston137,7007Vacant Built in 1976 and fair condition as of 2008 Unavailable: 2014 RFO did not award the building despite interest by three schools: Being considered as a possible swimming pool facility. Total 1,848,600 12