“El Chupacabra” By: Caysi Simpson
THE LEGEND: El chupacabra means “goat sucker” in Spanish. It got its name from ranchers/farmers who would find their livestock of animals (mainly goats) dead with all the blood sucked out of them from two puncture marks on their necks. The legend of El chupacabra originated in South America. “Sightings” of this beasts have been found in Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Chile, Columbia, Peru, Brazil, and most recently even in Southern Texas. There have even been a sighting or two in northern U.S. around the state of Michigan.
Appearance: El chupacabra has been said to have a fanged snout with hind legs like a kangaroo. It can walk and jump as high as a kangaroo but maintains the look of a sickly dog. Other stories also claim that this beast has wings and can blend into its surroundings like a chameleon. Always after the appearance of this creature there is the smell of sulfur in the air.
Theories: Of course, the most obvious explanation…El Chupacabras are ALIENS!!!!! Many believe that this monster came from a world beyond ours. Others blame NASA, they say it is an experiment gone wrong. They say NASA lost hold of a space creature they caught while transporting it through South America. People believe NASA is using “El Chupacabra” as a cover up for their mistake.
MORE THEORIES!!!! Many Puerto Ricans believe that El Chupacabra came from a U.S. laboratory and it was a genetic mutation that escaped in the early 1990’s. The last theory is that El Chupacabra is an animal that is a previously unrecognized descendant of the large South American vampire bat.
Sighting Stories: In 2005, a man named Isaac Espinoza spent almost $6 million of his own money just to search for El Chupacabra. He lived in the jungles of South America for eight whole months with researchers. They got photos and videos of a creature than none of the researchers could identify.
Sighting Story #2: A 42 year old woman in Albuquerque, New Mexico was walking to her car one day when she heard a strange hissing noise coming from behind. When she turned she saw a creature with a face that resembled a deranged coyote, with kangaroo legs, a bat, with rainbow spines running down its back. The creature grunted at her and the woman almost fainted.
Facts: El Chupacabra is said to be about 1 meter in length. It weighs between pounds. It is known to only eat the blood of livestock, and has (so far) not harmed any humans.