About Me Hunter McClure
2 Where I am from I have lived my whole life in Easley, South Carolina. I have lived here with my whole family in the same house, and my aunt and uncle and grandparents all within an hour or two from my house. I love every bit of the foothills of South Carolina and hope to live here for the remainder of my life.
Hunter McClure3 School I attended East End Elementary from K-5 to 5 th grade. I attended Getty’s Middle School 6 th to 8 th grade.Getty’s Middle School I attended Easley High School 9 th to 12 th gradeEasley High School I am currently attending North Greenville UniversityNorth Greenville University
Involvement with High School Organizations FCA devotional leader (junior) and president (senior) TFC devotional leader (junior) Student Council Administration freshman, sophomore, and senior Freshman Scholars president (freshman) National Honor Society Mu Alpha theta treasurer
Involvement in North Greenville Organizations Campus Ambassador (freshman) and Campus Ambassador Secretary (sophomore) Intramural Volleyball Intramural Football
Hunter McClure6 Church I have attended Rock Springs Baptist Church since I was born. Therefore I have attended for 19 years. I still attend Rock Springs Baptist Church and currently work with the children on Wednesday’s, the youth on weekends, and attend as many college events that we have. Rock Springs Baptist ChurchRock Springs Baptist Church
Hunter McClure7 Friends I have many friends and love to spend time with them. There are to many to name them all. We love to do random things like go swing dancing, rolling down the hill in downtown, running through waterfalls, and just having fun.
Hunter McClure8 Hobbies I enjoy running I enjoy making others laugh I enjoy playing football I enjoy playing volleyball I enjoy watching football I enjoy going downtown I enjoy going to the beach I enjoy going to the mountains
Hunter McClure9 Family I come from a rather large family. My parents have been married now for almost 25 years. I live with both my parents and my three brothers. My dad and mom are exactly 21 days apart to the hour. They are both 43 years of age. I have one older brother who is 22 and two younger brothers which are 16 and 13.
Hunter McClure10 Family and Friends Cont. This photo is of my brother and some of our friends from the youth group on a mission trip that we went on to Charleston. Quenton is in the middle and Matt is the tall one and Paul is the shorter one.
Hunter McClure11 Pets I love animals, I have had many pets throughout my life time and dogs are by far my favorite. I have 2 dogs freckles a 3 year old Dalmatian and Jack a 1 year old Jack Russell Terrier.
Hunter McClure12 Future Plans At the moment I am an elementary education major with a minor in French. I felt led by the Lord to come to NGU but was not sure what I was going to major in, but I knew I needed to teach. I felt led to be a high school teacher though. The Lord is really working and from what I understand, secondary education will be coming to NGU soon. So hopefully I will be able to get into this program before it is time for me to graduate.
Hunter McClure13 Jobs I am currently working five jobs: Math lab tutor High school tutor Courier Grass cutter After church monitor
Hunter McClure14 Summer Programs This summer I worked with many programs: Children’s Camp Rocky Bottom Camp of the BlindRocky Bottom Camp of the Blind Middle School Camp Camp Chatachee High School Missions to Charleston Wando Woods Baptist ChurchCharleston College Missions Diamond Head Mississippi
Hunter McClure15 Pictures from Mississippi