Note-taking Strategies: Watch for main topic, key points, and organization of ideas Clues from teacher – “first, second, etc…” Make concise notes that highlight main ideas AFTER CLASS – Clarify notes – fill in missing info and highlight Recite and review once a week Before assessment – recite understanding main ideas
The Scientific Method logical and organized way to solve a problem
Step 1: PURPOSE What is the problem? - Usually in the form of a question - Based on observations of the world!!! Example: Does Miracle Grow makes plants grow faster than water alone?
Step 1.5: Research/Background Info search, collect, study information BASED ON YOUR PROBLEM use a variety of sources citeAlways cite your source in a final draft
Step 2: Hypothesis Testable statement -Possible explanation for observations - observe a problem using senses -Make a prediction -“If…then…” Example: Miracle grow mixed with water will make plants grow faster than using water alone.
Step 3: Experiment Test your hypothesis -Controlled environment -Independent, Dependent, Control, Constants -* REPEAT experiment!!!!* Example: Grow three plants using only water. This is the control group. It is used for comparison. Grow three plants using Miracle Grow. This is the experimental group. It is exposed to the variable.
IMPORTANT!!!!! Experiments should only have 1 variable Everything else except for this variable should be the same, or constant ______________________________ What is the variable in our experiment? What are the constants in our experiment?
Step 4: Collect Data -Keep a record of what happened -Design table/chart for recording Example: Record the height of each plant each day. HEIGHT (cm) CONTROLEXPERIMENTAL DATE123123
Step 5: Analyze Data Organize (results) collected data: ~Graphs/Tables ~Make comparisons Example: Graph the height of each plant, and compare the Miracle Grow to the control group
Step 6: Draw Conclusion Interpretation/summary of results ~Make inferences based on data ~What does the data tell you? ~**Is the hypothesis correct or incorrect?** Example: The plants that were given Miracle Grow grew taller more quickly than the plants that were only given water. Therefore, the hypothesis was correct.
Theory/Scientific Law Theory –Hypothesis well – supported and well – tested broad range of observations over a period of time –i.e. – Plate Tectonics, Evolution, etc. Scientific Law –simple, true, universal, and absolute –cornerstone of scientific discovery –i.e. Gravity, Newton’s Laws, Thermodynamics, etc. THEREFORE – methods/results must allow for replication!!! **Science is characterized by both continuity and change**