Chapter 19 Section 1 Handout The Water Planet
1 The body of salt water covering nearly three-quarters of the Earth’s surface is called the global ocean.
2 How many of the known planets have a cover of liquid water similar to the Earth? none
3 Why is Earth called the water planet? No other known planet has water.
4 what percentage of water on Earth does the global ocean contain? 97%
5 The most prominent feature on Earth is the global ocean.
6 The Global ocean is about 1/800 of Earth’s total volume
14 The third-largest ocean on Earth’s suface is the Indian Ocean.
15 The ocean extending from the coast of Antarctica to 60oS latitude is the Southern Ocean.
16 The Arctic Ocean is Earth’s smallest ocean.
17 A body of salt water that is smaller than an ocean is a(n) sea.
18 Name three major seas. Mediterranean Caribbean South China
19 The study of the physical and chemical make-up of the ocean as well as its life-forms is called oceanography.
20 Modern oceanography began in the 1850s.
28 What organization operates the Japanese ship CHIKYU? The International Ocean Drilling Program.
Matching The British navy ship HMS Challenger The Japanese ship CHIKYU The research ship JOIDES Resolution The world’s largest scientific drilling ship in the 1990s. The ship that laid the foundation for modern oceanography. The most advanced drilling ship now in use.
32 Oceanographic research ships are often equipped with ______. Sonar
33 What is sonar? A system that uses acoustic signals to determine the location of objects or to communicate.
34 What do the letters in sonar stand for? sound navigation and ranging.
35 About how fast do the sound waves from a sonar transmitter travel through sea water? 1,500 m/s