Oct. 14 th, Scientific Writing Read the two statements. Which one is an example of scientific writing? How did you know? 1.) The wind blew gently through her hair on the docks as the chilly ocean mist announced it was the first day of fall. 2.) On Sept. 22,2009, wind speed was 3 mph in a southwest direction and ocean temperature measured 37 degrees Celsius.
Scientific Writing Objective: SWBAT identify key components to scientific writing in order to create a scientific answer to a question. HW: Introduction due Oct. 23 rd.
Scientific Paper A scientific paper addresses each step in the scientific Method. IMRAD I: Introduction M: Methods R: Results A: Analysis of Data D: Discussion
Introduction The purpose of the introduction is to: Provide background knowledge on your topic. Identify areas where the research falls short. Identify the purpose of your research. Provided your HYPOTHESIS or thesis statement.
Style Introduction should be written in the following order: General statement Research Hypothesis Start broad and finish specific.
Example: Think Mythbusters Broad statement: People normally associated beaches with fun but being stung by a jellyfish can ruin their experience. Research: Chemical compound in the stinging cells cause our bodies to react with the feeling of pain. Based on our knowledge of chemical reactions the chemical compounds in urine could potentially counteract the pain. Hypothesis: IF urinating on stings affects pain THEN urinating on jellyfish stings will dull the pain BECAUSE the acids in urine chemically react with the stinging cells.
Your Topic Should the US continue to fund the space program? Things to consider: What are the benefits? What are the reasons not to continue?