Naming Compounds Ionic Compounds Covalent Compounds
Ionic Compounds 1.Write the positive ion first (usually from the left side of table, group 1 or 2) and the negative ion second (usually from the right side of table, group 7 or 17) 2. simply write the name of the first element in the compound 3. for the second element, exchange the ending ide for ine and write it Example –Sodium Chloride
Covalent Compounds 1. write the element that is furthest left on the table first and the one furthest right on the table second. 2. simply write the name of the first element in the compound if there is only one of them 3. for the second element exchange the ending ine for ide and write it if there is only one of them 4. if there is more than one atom of an element, use the Greek prefixes
Greek Prefixes Mono1 Di2 Tri3 Tetra4 Penta5 Hexa6 Hepta7 Octa8 Nona9 Deca10
Examples of covalent names carbon dioxide CO 2 dinitrogen tetraoxideN 2 Cl 4