EYFS Parent Meeting 2015
Foundation Staff YFWG YFP Mrs Willans Miss Papworth Mrs Garratt Mrs Ditty Ms Griffin Mrs Warwick Mrs Thomas Ms Brindle and Ms Pennycook
At Swallowfield we want to demonstrate a whole school commitment to the EYFS statutory framework to achieve quality in early years, giving children the opportunity to fulfil their full potential, providing a place of attainment. We present them with an appropriate curriculum, which is designed to challenge and inspire, but also allow them to be successful. Most importantly, we support them with a staff of highly qualified and experienced professionals. These people are our most important resource. They will support your child in every aspect of their development, not only in their academic attainment, but also to ensure their happiness, wellbeing and progress.
Early Years Curriculum
PRIME AREAS: communication and language physical development personal, social and emotional development SPECIFIC AREAS: literacy mathematics understanding the world expressive arts and design
Inspection evidence and research show that the critical age when children learn to be good readers and writers is between three and seven. Rose Report
Children develop at their own rates, and in their own ways. The development statements and their order should not be taken as necessary steps for individual children. They should not be used as checklists. The age / stage bands overlap because these are not fixed age boundaries but suggest a typical range of development.
Practitioners must indicate whether children are meeting expected levels of development, or if they are exceeding expected levels, or not yet reaching expected levels (‘emerging’).
Words are made up from small units of sound called phonemes. Phonics teaches children to be able to listen carefully and identify the phonemes that make up each word. This helps children to learn to read words and to spell words
The English language only has around 44 phonemes but there are around 120 graphemes or ways of writing down those 44 phonemes. Obviously we only have 26 letters in the alphabet so some graphemes are made up from more than one letter.
s, a, t, p - at, a, sat, pat, tap, sap, as i - it, is, sit, sat, pit, tip, pip, sip n - an, in, nip, pan, pin, tin, tan, nap m - am, man, mam, mat, map, Pam, Tim, Sam d - dad, and, sad, dim, dip, din, did, Sid Order of phonemes
However, Tricky Words
Letter Formation cat
Foundation Information
Values School A list of values. One chosen each month UnderstandingTrust CaringPeace Co-operationThoughtfulness CourageUnity HopePatience FreedomHumility Hope Love HonestySimplicity AppreciationResponsibility FriendshipQuality HappinessTolerance
As a school, we have internet safety guidelines, we ask that any photos you take are for personal use only.
Daily Routine Morning Registration English Activity Milk or Water Playtime Maths Activity Lunch Creative or Knowledge and Understanding Activities Story Home Time
P.E. YFP Wednesdays YFWG Thursdays Swimming Usually Fridays (weather permitting)
House Points At Swallowfield, we run a house system, in Foundation, children will receive stamps in their housepoint book for good work, good behaviour, positive contribution to the class or meeting the school values. When they have earned 5 stamps, this equates to one housepoint. Children will then receive certificates for earning 25, 50, 75 and 100 stamps. The four houses are Goldfinches – Yellow Kingfishers – Blue Robins - Red Woodpeckers – Green
Learning logs And Supporting Learning
Key Words Book
Reminders Uniform Fruit Water bottles Lunches Illness and absence 48 hours if sick Contact school office before 9am Book Bags Holidays
Upcoming dates Parent Consultation – 19th October am And 21 st October - evening Coffee afternoon – 23 rd October Christmas Nativity – 16 th,17 th December
Any Questions?