Our Best Gifts Given and Received!
Callie's best gift ever given The best gift I ever got would have to the life God gave me because I love to see all my friends and family and the beautiful scenery. The best gift I ever gave would have to be a CD player because I knew the person I the present to would like that certain CD player.
My best gift is: My best gift I ever got was from Jesus, Jesus gave me life if he did not die on the cross for me I wouldn't be a live. The best gift I ever gave to somebody was me praising my little brother when he was born.
Tommy's Best Gift Ever My best gift I ever got would have to be God, because God helps everone and is with everone always. God would have to be an important gift to everone.
Spencer's best gift ever: The best gift I ever got was from Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for us. And the best gift I ever gave was love.
Maddy's Best Gift My best gift is a XBOX 360 from my Grandma Bev. I liked it so much because I whated one so bad and because it is so fun.
Tyler's favorite gift My favorite gift is my parents because they help me when I need help. The gift that I think is the best is the love aand support to come and help when needed. A mother helping her baby.
the best thing ever. the best thng i got was a my favorite shirt but i greey out of it so i gave it to my brother.
Cole's Best Gifts The very best gift I ever gave to someone was a statue to my mom. It was a statue of my mom and me together. The best gift I ever recieved is a bunch of board games in one from my best friend Tommy Blink. I really like to play the games a lot.
Lexi's best gift My best gift to someone is love and someones best gift to me is love.
Jackson's gifts My best gift given was an necklece because I thought my mom would like it a lot. My best gift recieved was a Wii, because I wanted one for a long time.
Andrew's Best Gift's The best gift I gave away is kindness. The best gift I got is love.
Mickey'z best present the best gift I got was my toy horse and family the best gift I gave was love