You are chief advisor to a SuperHero Tell him what to do…. B. look for a super villain C. ride a bike A. go to the park You’d better …
I ride a bike. This is fun, but I am not saving the world. What should I do? B. ride a horse C. look for a super villain A. continue riding a bike You’d better…
OK this is fun too but I really think I should save the world. What should I do? B. look for a super villain A. ride a bike You’d better…
I continue riding a bike but I really need to save the world. What should I do? B. look for a super villain A. continue riding a bike You’d better…
Is this REALLY good advice? YES NO
I continue riding a bike so the super villains destroy the world. I lose. You’d better concentrate harder next time…
I play in the park. I find a friend. What should I do now? B. look for a super villain A. look for another friend You’d better…
You find more friends but they don’t look nice. What should I do? B. look for a super villain A. play with them You’d better…
They are not nice. They step on your head. You lose. You’d better choose your friends more wisely next time…
I look for a super villain but I can’t find any. Where should I look? A. look in Asan C. look in Busan D. look in the North Pole B. look in Seoul You’d better…
There’s no super villains here. What should I do? B. look for a super villain in Seoul A. look for a friend You’d better…
I have found a good friend. What should we do together? C. look for a super villain B. drive a car A. read comic books You’d better…
I have found Joker. What should I do? B. play a game with him A. fight him You’d better…
I fight Joker and win. I have saved the world! You’d better not laugh too hard…
I play chess with him. I win! You’d better not think it’s always this easy…
We drive a car. continue…
Superman breaks our car! Why Superman!? Why? A. look for a friend again B. go home You’d better…
We read comic books together. continue…
Oh no. Now we are really small! What should we do? B. wait for someone to find us A. yell for help You’d better…
Oh no. Someone erases you! You lose! You’d better not be so lazy next time….
Big Batman helps you. What should you do? look for a friend You’d better…
Oh no! A super villain. What should I do? B. run away C. look for friends to help A. punch him You’d better…
I find some friends. What should we do? talk to him catch him punch him You’d better…
I punch him but he is too strong. He beats me up. I lose. You’d better get back to the gym and shape up a bit…
I talk to him. He is not bad, he just wants friends. I saved the world! You’d better not talk too long, there are more villains out there…
I catch him! He goes to jail! I have saved the world! You’d better go home and take a rest…
Ah! There’s a big scary face! He gives me three choices. fight some dinosaurs go to the North Pole die You’d better…
I fight some dinosaurs. They are trying to eat me! What should I do? fight them! run away You’d better…
Why did I choose to die?!?! I lose. You’d better think that one through next time…
I killed the dinosaur. I saved myself. You’d better not keep a dinosaur as a pet…
I run away. Where should I go? look for a friend look for a supervillain You’d better…
I go to the North Pole. There is some ice! What should I do? go skating keep walking You’d better…
I go skating. I fall in and die. I lose. You’d better be more careful next time…
I keep walking to the North Pole. I meet Santa Claus! What should I do? help Santa give presents to everyone decorate the Christmas tree look for a super villain. You’d better…
Maybe decorating the Christmas tree is not a good idea. There’s someone in the tree! continue…
I help Santa give out presents. I make everyone happy! You’d better get a bit tougher if you want to stay a superhero though…
Oh no! Joker! He tells me I must choose a door. What should I do? pick door number 1 pick door number 2 pick door number 3 You’d better…
Oh no! It’s a bottomless hole. I’m falling! continue…
I’m still falling! continue…
…still falling. continue…
Ok this is boring now… continue…
Oh I hit the bottom. Where am I? continue…
Oh good! It’s Spiderman! Hi Spiderman! Wait… something is wrong… continue…
There’s two Spidermen! continue…
There’s many Spidermen! Only one is the real Spiderman. What should I do? catch a Spiderman and take off his mask go to Seoul You’d better…
Which one should I catch? catch number 2 catch number 1 You’d better…
I catch him! It’s the real Spiderman! continue…
Together we beat up all the bad Spidermen! We saved the world! You’d better go home and take a rest now…
I catch him but it’s the Green Goblin. What should I do? fight him run away and play basketball You’d better…
I fight him! continue…
I fight him some more! and…
I beat him! I saved the world! But you’d better go to the hospital and get those cuts looked at…
I play basketball with my friends. I win the game but Green Goblin gets away. You’d better smarten up if you want to be a superhero!…
It’s Magneto! What should I do? find friends to help fly away You’d better…
My friends are ready to fight! Let’s go! continue…
We fight Magneto but one of my friends is hurt! What should we do? keep fighting run away You’d better…
We run away. Magneto destroys the world. I lose. You’d better not run away again. It’s not such a good idea…
We keep fighting! We are very strong and we beat him! We have saved the world! You’d better go home and take a rest now…
I fly away. I leave Earth. continue…
I sit on the moon and do nothing. I don’t save the world. I lose. You’d better not stay up there too long, it will be getting cold soon…