Incorporating ICT into a New Vision for Caribbean Libraries Gracelyn Cassell Head The University of the West Indies Open Campus – Montserrat West Indies
Map of the Caribbean
2007 Survey of Libraries in 15 Caribbean Countries Looked at library and information support for distance education Looked at library and information support for distance education Explored potential for collaboration with other information services in each country Explored potential for collaboration with other information services in each country
Findings Woefully inadequate budgets Woefully inadequate budgets Limited physical facilities Limited physical facilities Small and dated collections Small and dated collections Poor use of technology Poor use of technology Staff in need of training or up-dating Staff in need of training or up-dating Minimal library services (little interlibrary loans, not too many digital collections; small non-book collections; not many libraries offering extended opening hours) Minimal library services (little interlibrary loans, not too many digital collections; small non-book collections; not many libraries offering extended opening hours)
Some images of Caribbean libraries
Positive Indications Libraries eager for dialogue Libraries eager for dialogue Willingness to listen to suggestions Willingness to listen to suggestions Strong interest in training Strong interest in training Librarians craving refresher courses Librarians craving refresher courses
UWI Initiative Regional integration Regional integration Other regional library initiatives developed by UWI eg. MEDCARIB and CARDIN Other regional library initiatives developed by UWI eg. MEDCARIB and CARDIN Capacity for training Capacity for training Teleconferencing and Videoconferencing infrastructure Teleconferencing and Videoconferencing infrastructure
Vision of ICT being harnessed for following: Delivery of training and refresher courses Delivery of training and refresher courses Provision of a space for continuing discussions of library issues in the region Provision of a space for continuing discussions of library issues in the region Development of a Caribbean Union Catalogue Development of a Caribbean Union Catalogue Joint procurement of materials, equipment and information services for Caribbean libraries to obtain optimal benefits from efficient use of scarce resources Joint procurement of materials, equipment and information services for Caribbean libraries to obtain optimal benefits from efficient use of scarce resources More use of Open Source Software to maximize on the use of scarce resources More use of Open Source Software to maximize on the use of scarce resources Development of an inter-island courier service to expedite interlibrary loan and resource sharing Development of an inter-island courier service to expedite interlibrary loan and resource sharing
Can LITA help? Is it possible for teams from the US to visit the Caribbean (during winter) to provide technical assistance? Is it possible for teams from the US to visit the Caribbean (during winter) to provide technical assistance? Install Open Source Software (OSS) Provide training in the use of OSS Sustain the discourse on developments relevant to the delivery of library and information services
Potential Benefits Improved library services throughout the region Improved library services throughout the region Improved interlibrary loan services Improved interlibrary loan services Resource discovery (Main Libraries at UWI have some difficulty acquiring local publications) Resource discovery (Main Libraries at UWI have some difficulty acquiring local publications) Improved information services for distance education students Improved information services for distance education students Facilitation of social and economic development in the region Facilitation of social and economic development in the region Strengthened regional integration movement Strengthened regional integration movement
End Thank you. Thank you. Suggestions? Suggestions?