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By the end of the class, students will be able to… 1. Read about Three Kings Day and understand how and why people celebrate. 2. Answer the questions correctly after looking at the pictures.
Three kings Day
What are the three men doing?
What are the three kings riding?
What can you find in the shoes?
What does the bread look like?
Reading Activity 1. Make groups of Each group will be given a set of reading strip on Three kings day. 3. Each student will be given a strip and study his or her own strip 4. Each member present his or her information to group members. 5. All members complete the ‘Information gap’ worksheet listening to their group members’ presentation,
When Where Celebrating Thr ee Kings day E ve Special foodOther names Three kings day
When: January 6th Where: Many homes Around the world Celebrating Three Kings day Eve: Children put st raws in their shoes, and they get candies the nex t morning. Special food: Rosca Bread, which has a prize in it Other names: Epiphany, Little Christmas Three kings day
How else do people celebrate it? Let’s look into the pictures taken on Three Kings Day.
What are they wearing? Children wear crowns on their heads.
What are the children doing? Children act out the three kings story.
What are the men doing? People wear crowns like the three kings and give presents to children.
What are the children doing? Children enjoy parades.
What does the bread look like? People make rosca bread.
Why is the baby happy? Children finds candies and chocolate in the shoes instead of the straw.
Three Kings day The three kings rode on camels’ back. The three kings gave presents to the Baby Jesus. To celebrate this day, … Children march and play drums. People wear crowns like the three kings and give presents to children. Children act out the three kings story. People make rosca bread and put crowns on top. Children finds candies in the shoes. Children wear crowns on their heads.