3 June 2004GridPP10Slide 1 GridPP Dissemination Sarah Pearce Dissemination Officer


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Presentation transcript:

3 June 2004GridPP10Slide 1 GridPP Dissemination Sarah Pearce Dissemination Officer

3 June 2004GridPP10Slide 2 New logo

3 June 2004GridPP10Slide 3 New logo - details Agreed by the Project Management Board two weeks ago – after several iterations… For use from GridPP2 – September Working with PPARC on new designs for –Powerpoint templates –Poster templates –Brochures –Exhibition stands Will be looking for poster updates, text for brochures etc. over the summer Web pages –Will be redesigned to go with new logo –Re-organise to make more ‘stranger friendly’


GridPP news 2 June 2004 – CERN recognizes UK’s Grid computing 19 May 2004 – UK particle physics grid takes shape 11 May 2004 – A new monitoring map Meetings 2-4 June 2004– GridPP10 collaboration meeting at CERN 5-8 June 2004 – GGF11, Hawaii July 2004 – Networks for Non- networkers Jobs Portal developer Welcome to GridPP GridPP is a collaboration of particle physicists and computer scientists from the UK and CERN, who are building a computing Grid for particle physics. GridPP is funded by PPARC as part of its e-Science Programme. GridPP has built a working prototype grid across 17 UK institutions. Over the next three years, this will be extended to the equivalent of 20,000 PCs. To learn more about GridPP please contact Sarah Pearce who is the GridPP Dissemination Officer. GridPP Open Source Policy Switch to HTTPS. Website help. Built with GridSite Status of the GridPP testbedMonitoring the LHC Computing Grid About GridPP News Meetings Papers Demos Contact us Information for.. Public and students Particle physicists e-Scientists Computer scientists GridPP organisation The collaboration People Management Other projects Technical GridPP software Work areas Help Search Current statusHow to use the GridSite map

About GridPP News Meetings Papers Demos Contact us Information for.. Public and students Particle physicists e-Scientists Computer scientists GridPP organisation The collaboration People Management Other projects Technical GridPP software Work areas Help Search Current statusHow to use the GridSite map Particle physicists GridPP and the LHC ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb GridPP and other experiments Babar D0 etc. Grids in Europe - EGEE Submitting jobs to GridPP e-Scientists Working with GridPP Grids in Europe - EGEE UK core e-science programme Computer scientists Overview of GridPP architecture Progress so far Applications Middleware Infrastructure Public & students What is a computing Grid? Grids and CERN Introduction to GridPP How GridPP works What GridPP is doing now

About GridPP News Meetings Papers Demos Contact us Information for.. Public and students Particle physicists e-Scientists Computer scientists GridPP organisation The collaboration People Management Other projects Technical GridPP software Work areas Help Search Current statusHow to use the GridSite map The collaboration (list of members with links to their HEP groups) Tier-0 Tier-1 Tier-2 Management Collaboration Board Project Management Board Deployment Board User Board Links with other projects LCG UK core e-science programme EGEE GGF Work areas Workload Management Data Management Information & Monitoring Fabric Management Storage Element Testbeds Networking Applications Security

3 June 2004GridPP10Slide 8 Portal Post at Imperial College – recruiting soon First task is to review currently available Grid portals, survey users Will produce a portal toolkit –With reference implementation – emphasis on dissemination Working with UKDMC, Calice, MICE and anyone else interested Web services based Building on existing work for CMS analysis and GANGA development in context of BaBar

3 June 2004GridPP10Slide 9 Other activities GridPP1 paper for J Phys G. –First drafts were due by 1 June –To publish in September Links with other e-science disciplines –Overview of everything that GridPP groups are involved with – for brochure and poster –Please let me know – one paragraph Working with EGEE dissemination Meetings – PPARC stands –UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, 31 August – 3 September –Supercomputing 2004, November GridPP1 film –Sam Rae and Joe Loncraine, Imperial College