Pandemic Response and current activities in Lao PDR NIC Meeting, Beijing, Aug 2009 Dr Phengta Vongphrachanh Director National centre for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) Ministry of Health Vientiane, Lao PDRD
Outline 1. Pandemic H1N in Lao PDR 2. Current Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plans in Lao PDR 3. Response to pandemic H1N1 2009
1. Pandemic H1N in Lao PDR Total confirmed cases as of 16 August 2009: –226 cases and one death –Cases reported from 8/17 provinces –Most common symptoms; fever, sore throat, cough Community Transmission: 2 Provinces –Vientiane Capital, Bolikhamxay Discussion on moving to Lao PDR Alert Level 6 (widespread community transmission) 1056 samples have been tested for pandemic H1N1 (as of 16 Aug 2009)
2. Current Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plans in Lao PDR Plan titleLevelPlan for Phase Last revision National Avian Influenza Control and Pandemic Preparedness Plan National, Strategic 1-6January 2006 National Pandemic Influenza Response Plan for the Health Sector, LAO PDR National, Operational 6August 2009 National Protocol for Rapid Containment of Pandemic Influenza National, Operational 4 & 5August 2008 Provincial Pandemic Influenza Plan (all 17 provinces have their own plan) Provincial, Operational 6 -
3. Response to pandemic H1N (1) Following national and provincial pandemic plans 1.Co-ordination and Decision Making –National CDC meetings –Joint ministerial meeting for decisions on public health measures –MoH meetings for surveillance and clinical management strategies –Multi-sector table top exercise 6-7 Aug ‘09 2.Surveillance and Response –Enhanced surveillance Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI), including Influenza-like-Illness (ILI) and Lower Respiratory Infection –New strategy since community transmission Focus on monitoring of ILI/ARI Specimens: collection only from severe cases, deaths, health care workers, provinces with no cases previously, and from lab sentinel surveillance
Response to pandemic H1N (2) 3. Clinical Management and Infection Control –Training on H1N1 –Set up Clinicians’ Working group for 24/7 support –Set up screening areas and isolation rooms in hospitals 4. Public Health Interventions –Isolation of patients: home isolation of mild cases, hospital isolation of severe cases –Border screening - isolation implemented when positive cases identified –Some school closures but recent national decision not to close the schools 5. Communications –Press releases, TV and radio spots, distribution of IEC materials –Risk communication workshops for journalists
Conclusion First case of H1N1 detected in Laos 16 June 2009 and continues to spread. Most of them are mild cases, only one death with underlying health condition (Asthma, obesity). Policy and strategy changes required as pandemic progresses from beginning to within country community transmission to recovery Public education emphasized.
Acknowledgement China CDC for hosting and joint organizing this meeting WHO US CDC Institute Pasteur for technical and financial support World Bank All colleagues of NCLE, MOH for their contributions.
Thank you for your Attention !