IT Governance Purpose: Information technology is a catalyst for productivity, creativity and community that enhances learning opportunities in an environment of unlimited demands and limited resources. Executive Committee Meeting Informational Items Presentation May 29, 2015 Adopting a strategic approach to information technology planning, budgeting and implementation at Cal Poly Pomona.
Accessible Technology Working Group Presenters: Carol Gonzales/Kevin Colaner/Tracee Passeggi
ATI Audit Update Program Administration Web Training Procurement
Textbook Adoption Summary Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2014 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Winter 2015 *Spring 2015 Agr58.3%58.5%64.4%77.6%58.7%77.9%32.2% CBA75.1%57.0%69.9%71.9%66.8%71.9%49.5% C.E.I.S.44.8%32.7%62.6%43.6%38.3%47.0%28.3% Engr49.4%51.8%67.9%47.9%28.3%50.7%32.9% ENV48.0%41.7% 70.6% 51.2%35.6%57.1%38.5% Collins36.0%26.3%73.6%72.8%60.7%78.6%12.1% CLASS67.5%28.2%48.0%48.6%28.0%52.8%38.5% Science69.1%65.9%87.4%80.9%63.0%77.0%34.9% CEU/CPELI66.7%14.0%57.5%60.6%82.0%7.0%0% All53.5%47.2%66.9%59.9%44.1%61.6% *35.6% 48.5% The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure the timely adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials. *: Bookstore implemented new Verba system. There was an issue not transmitting ‘No Text Required’ classes to inventory system for a period. If those errors are excluded, the overall on-time percentage is 48.5%, which is lower than previous Spring quarters.
DRC: Changing Demand for Services Active DRC Students Fall 2014 = 677 Fall 2012 = 541 Fall 2010 = 441 Fall 2008 = 352 Test Accommodations —4260 Tests —3609 Tests —3251 Tests Alternate Media —764 Titles —461 Titles —531 Titles
Concerns & Opportunities Increased CPP technology purchases for instructional materials Changing demand for DRC/504 services Significant reliance on 504/ADA Increase in litigation related to inaccessible course materials Lack of resources to assist faculty with accessibility issues *45% are not aware of ATI Untimely textbook adoptions *44% of faculty feel there is not adequate support *52% are not confident that their instructional materials is accessible *90% would request assistance with their material if it were available Semester conversion may present an opportunity Update - ATI notations added to new (ECO) template. *: DRC Winter 2015 Survey
DRC Proposal - Accessibility Support Service Operational Goals Provide accessibility support, within the DRC, that would assist faculty in the creation of accessible course materials, including PDF, Word, complex charts and diagrams, and web applications Provide training and guidance on the creation of accessible course materials, Establish a process for faculty to incorporate accessibility at the time of course design Review accessibility of online courses before posting. Staffing: DRC Coordinator - provide training and guidance to faculty on the creation of course materials; oversee student assistants; provide lead work direction and coordination to the group of staff interpreting and real time captioning services for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Student Assistants –Work with faculty to convert course material to accessible format.
Emerging Technology Working Group Presenter: Gabriel Kuri/David Drivdahl
Emerging Technology Working Group Summary
Information Security Working Group Presenter: Al Arboleda
Information Security Working Group Summary Informational Video and Electronic Surveillance Policy - Summer Begin meet and confer process with employee and faculty unions IT Storage of Level 1 Data Policy Update confidential (Level 1) data inventory – Fall Update data owners/authorized personnel inventory - Fall Desktop/Laptop Security Configuration Standard Secure workstation configuration – Level 1 - Fall Endpoint (laptop, mobile) encryption – Fall Network Security/Malware Protection Deployment of FireEye device - Summer
Instructional Technology Working Group Presenter: Kevin Morningstar
Instructional Technology Working Group Classroom Technology Update January 2015 Executive meeting the committee approved $230k for lectern computers, $280k for projector replacements, and $40k for TELS upgrades Funding purchased 155 Dell and 18 Mac Mini lectern computers and 117 projectors Several factors enabled the final purchase of 210 projectors – upgrading 175 rooms Significant saving from Dell of approximately $70k in labs Per unit savings from lower projector costs than expected Additional SSF funding allocated to classrooms
Instructional Technology Working Group Classroom Technology Update All lectern computers older than 4 years old will be replaced - 60% of all classrooms Most lecture halls will have new projectors – lecture halls in buildings 15, 98, & 162 will go to high definition Projectors upgraded in all classrooms with student capacity of 50 & greater capacity Complete change out in buildings 1, 3, 5, 6, 13, 15, 66, and 24A-F Backlog of computer & projector replacements completed Media distribution carts will reutilize some equipment
Instructional Technology Working Group Computer Labs Update March 2015 Executive Committee meeting the committee approved $459,000 to upgrade 12 college labs with the intent to fund the Open Lab in 97 if funds were available Significant savings from Dell of approximately $123,450 (30%) and an infusion of additional resources from IT Division of $180k enables additional objectives to be achieved
Instructional Technology Working Group Computer Labs Update Added one additional college lab – Engineering Total of 13 college labs funded for replacement AG=1, CBA=2, CEIS=1, CLASS=1, ENG=3, SCI=3, ENV=1, LIB=1 Open Lab in 97 replaced plus public lookup computers in the Library funded Labs in CEIS and CLASS fully upgraded with Apple Mac 27” that exceeded the budgeted amount by $95,690