Use the 5 core federal aid programs to fund training and workforce development. FUNDING LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY TRAINING AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE NE LTAP!
Base Proposal: Set aside a portion of each of the 5 core federal aid programs. Coordination by the Nebraska Local Technical Assistance Program (NE LTAP) & NDOR LPD Over and above the yearly $140, required match to the $140, grant. Scholarship the cost of Local Public Agency personnel to attend training and training events.
FHWA Nebraska Division Use Guidelines Restricted to LPAs because funded with LPA portion of the Federal Aid distribution. State DOR splits FA 67% - 33%
Administrative Single authorization per state fiscal year Eligible funding types: –Surface Transportation (STP) –National Highway System (NHS) –Bridge (BR) –Interstate Maintenance (IM) –Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) Federal share 100%
Eligible Activities Tuition and direct educational expenses NDOR and LPA employee professional development Student internships University or community college support to training Education and outreach activities to promote interest in transportation careers
Eligible Activities (Continued) Conferences and Seminars Meals & Refreshments – Eligible as incidental to the training Travel, Equipment, and Materials - can be purchased but they must be directly related
Reporting Requirements Annual work plan submitted at least one (1) month prior to each state fiscal year Work plan should contain the following: – Estimated funds needs – Projected activities – Grouped activities FHWA Division Office to determine if activities are eligible
Annual summary report submitted for the previous fiscal year Summary report should contain finalized financial information The summary report shall be due no later than three months after the end of the State fiscal year.
History Fiscal Year – July through June 30 WF Dev Project Budgets 2010/2011, Budget $350, – 2012, Budget $800, – 2013, Budget $700,00
The End – QUESTIONS? Contact Information: Dan Cady, Director Nebraska Local Technical Assistance Program (402)