Kissan IIITM-K
E-Services : Kissan Agriculture scenario of Kerala General Statistics Soil Crop Information Market Information System Virtual Market Query Handling System Weather Information
E-Services - Kissan The system facilitates the basic tenets of Knowledge Management (i) Ca ptures best practices and knowledge from experience and experts in the field, (ii)Disseminates information as relevant (iii)Equips farmers / officials to re-use the learning from earlier experiences, and (iv)Enhances collaboration across different agencies for effectiveness.
KISSAN- KERALA Query Handling System through Portal The system is designed to accept photographs from the farmer and automatically sends it to the expert group, where ever situated. For every questions, portal is allocating a token number. People can search their answers by token number. Portal supports English and Malayalam.
KISSAN- KERALA Kissan Call Center Kissan Call Center is getting queries daily.Farmers are getting answers normally with in one hour. Two primary call centers are in Kochi and Thiruvanthapuram
E-Content …. Agriculture
aAqua :System Flow
Kissan Portal: System Flow
Kissan Call Center
eServices of Akshaya FRIENDS (Fast Reliable,Instant.Efficient Network for Disbursement Services) Friend center offer a one stop,front - end IT enabled payment counter facility to citizens for making all kinds of government payments in kerala.
CIC Community Information Center’s (CIC) project It provides several citizen centric services like issue of certificates for birth, death registration, monitoring the rural schemes of govt, hospital appointment booking and internet services etc.
e-Seva The essence of e-Seva is integration of all departments of central and state governments ;in their delivery of services to citizens from a single facilitation point. It provides services in the area of payment of utility bills, certificates,permits/licence,reservation and internet services.
Bhoomi Transparency –Bhoomi(online updation of land records is performed through this interface software)
Wish list…………. Integration of aAqua with,we can take good concepts like search facility through token number. Introduction of a call center concept with good agriculture domain expertise Introduction of domain expertise for aAqua for reducing the latency in queries. Tracing visitors browsing patterns in aAqua