1 Varian 940-LC Analytical to Prep HPLC
2 Varian 940-LC Silver Bullets The 940-LC one instrument – many uses: –High performance automated Analytical HPLC –High performance semi-preparative HPLC –High performance prep LC
3 Varian 940-LC Silver Bullets Flexible and capable –Wide flow rate from 0.1 ml/min to 200 ml/min –Dual path-length flowcells for extended Abs –One Injector, analytical or prep volumes (5ul to 4.5ml) Superb fraction collecting –Galaxie real-time peak detection –Practical collect and inject –Much Easier interface, it does what you tell it! –Cleaner UI
4 Goals of the 940-LC Analytical to Prep Aim Become market leader in this $180M segment –Double market share Market Continue to focus on Pharma / BioPharma Academic Strategy Deliver innovation in hardware, consumables, software and services
5 Varian 940-LC Instrument Overview Factory tested, pre-plumbed instrument: –Plug and play operation High performance semi-preparative HPLC Gradient Analytical HPLC Autoprep System –Choice of UV or PDA detector Dual path flow cell for unmatched range and scalability –No compromise performance for prep and analytical – switch with a key stroke – no plumbing or hardware changes needed! –The most flexible analytical to prep HPLC available
6 Varian 940-LC Instrument Overview Scale-up Module for automated methods transfer from analytical to semi-prep, or switching from Analytical to Prep work Versatile and robust solvent-delivery system New loopless autosampler – wide volume range NEW Fraction collection with –Complete range of collection modes such as slope, threshold and time slicing –Wide range of vessels, including autosampler rack Comprehensive range of columns and consumables More productivity via Galaxie TM software –Valve automation for genuine unattended operation –NEW direct control interface
7 Varian 940-LC Versatility and Performance Easy to change pump heads –Versatile solvent delivery systems Powerful pumps allow 4000psi at 25mL/min operation for fast chromatography –Ideal for 4.6mm and 1” column –Able to use smaller 3 & 5 um particles columns at elevated pressures Improves productivity –Save solvents and waste costs –Short run times save time –High resolution separations = high purity 1ml/min Analytical 21ml/min Prep
8 Varian 940-LC Solvent Delivery System Same range of accessories as PS210/218 –5ml Head to 200ml Head –Seal wash option available –Easily interchangeable pressure modules thru removable side panel. –Easy access to mixer Self maintenance and versatility features have been completely retained with no compromises – integrated systems are notoriously difficult to maintain so this is Unique
9 Varian 940-LC Autosampler Prep version of the 920-LC Sampler 5ul to 4.5ml Injection range –No necessity to combine a Manual injector –No need to dedicate injector to prep or analytical –One Sampler does all! Loopless Design –Variable injection volume Needle in path Design –No carryover
10 Varian 940-LC UV-Vis Detector High Sensitivity for Analytical applications Extended absorbance – desensitised, for prep applications All in one detector Wide range 190 to 900 nm Low noise of < 5 x Au Self –aligned D2 lamp –Consistent performance –Easy to change over without tools Front panel access –Easy to maintain
11 Information Rich Diode Array Detection 1024 photodiodes full coverage from 190 – 950 nm Full spectra collection Enhanced peak purity parameter Automatic peak identification with customised libraries Greater confidence on compound identification Choice of flowcells Dual path length scale-up Dual path length Prep Front panel access Lamps and flowcells D2 and Vis lamps self aligned Easily user maintained
12 Varian 940-LC PDA Detectors PDA allows enhanced peak purity determination –Galaxie uses whole spectrum across peak to determine purity
13 Varian 940-LC Dual Pathlength Flowcell Absorbance Detector Extended absorbance range without re-plumbing (<70 AU) NEW 4mm x 0.25 mm 4mm x 0.15 SuperPrep Low dispersion UV/Vis Detector PDA Detector Low noise ~ +10 AU Low Drift ~ 1 mAU/hr
14 Competitors Flowcells
15 Varian 380-LC and 385-LC ELSD Universal HPLC detector Compatible with gradients More sensitive than RI NEW Glass Nebuliser for Improved Reproducibility 2 to 3 Times More Sensitive 40Hz Data Rate for Fast LC Complete Galaxie compatibility Program changes thru a run
16 Varian 440-LC Fraction Collector Full software control with foolproof collection by slope, threshold, volume or timeslice Known fluid path for accurate fraction collection Software display of collected fractions and source injections Reliable operation Compatible with a wide range of containers –Belart and other optional racks –Microvial to 50ml tube capacity –Autosampler rack compatibility provides practical collect and re-inject capabilities
17 Varian 440-LC Fraction Collector We chose not to collect Peak 3 Peaks 1,2,4,5,6,7 collect with exceptional accuracy Excellent algorithm, and simple delay volume calculation Slope/Threshold based on real numbers!!
18 Varian 440-LC Fraction Collector Fraction Log shows peak location using colour coded rack assignment
19 Varian 445-LC Scale-up Module Optimized flow paths for automated scale-up Separate optimised flow paths for Prep and Analytical columns Solvent selection valves for 4 solvents (2 per pump) Integrated priming valves for easy solvent changes Integrated electrically actuated valves for analytical and prep Injections Clear cover to protect operators against leaks
20 Varian 940-LC Software Usability Software designed for Prep users Enhanced manual control One page status and chromatogram Real time fraction collection display Advanced peak sensing for better fraction collection Purity displays for absorbance detection – standard! Documentation and audit trails for traceability and regulatory needs
21 Varian 940-LC Integrated HPLC Special features of the Varian 940-LC Leak detector Increases confidence with unattended automated runs Single waste point Ensures capture of all wastes Easy to connect to waste vessel Built-in solvent bottle storage Improved safety and convenience Lower hight than modular systems Bottle management software Protects columns and results on unattended automated runs
22 Varian 940-LC Integrated HPLC Special features of the Varian 940-LC Clear front doors Stylish Provides access to autosampler without opening doors Enhanced safety as lab staff shielded from solvent spray and leaks (100ml/min at 4000 psi) Useful, convenient storage compartments Column rack in door Operation log drawer
23 Varian 920-LC Integrated HPLC Special features of the Varian 920-LC Leak detector Increases confidence with unattended automated runs Single waste point Ensures capture of all wastes Easy to connect to waste vessel Built-in Solvent bottle storage Improved safety and convenience Lower hight than modular systems
24 Varian 920-LC Integrated HPLC Special features of the Varian 920-LC Clear front doors Stylish Provides access to autosampler without opening Safety increased as lab staff shielded from solvent spray and leaks Useful, convenient storage compartments Column rack in door Operation log drawer
25 Varian 920-LC AIQ (Validation) AIQ (Analytical Instrument Qualification) Fully PC controlled IQ and OQ (not PQ) Puts the Varian 920-LC at the forefront of regulated capabilities Consistent, reproducible methodology Includes pumps, autosampler, detectors, column heater Chargeable option Fully documented
LC -Series AIQ Full system test designed and implemented as part of the 900-LC Series Analytical Instrument Qualification package. Verifies the entire LC system by systematically running the following Flow Rate Accuracy Test Wavelength Detector Accuracy Test Auto-sampler Injector Accuracy Test (also measures Detector Linearity) Auto-sampler Injector Precision Test Auto-sampler Injector Carryover Test Proportioning Accuracy Test Detector Noise Test Detector Drift Test Auto-sampler Vial Identification Accuracy Test Proportioning Linearity Compositional Ripple
27 Varian 940-LC Configurations Part numberPumpInjectionDetectionSUMFC Base XXGrad 25mlMan injDual UVoption Productive XXGrad 25ml Opt 50 Auto 5ml +man Dual UVyes Productive XXGrad 25ml Opt 50 Auto 5ml +man PDAyes Prep XXGrad100ml Opt 200 pump manual Dual UVNAoption -XX where 00=AUS, 01=Eur, 02=US
28 Varian 940-LC Consumables Columns designed for Prep users From 3 to 10 m media Wide range of C4 to C18 Silica and Polymer media From 2mm to 2” ID Unique solutions for dedicated prep with load and lock systems Matched Analytical to Prep columns and packing's to assure smooth scale up Solutions for hardware, software and consumables