3 rd History By: Miss Likens
The settlers came from Europe and landed in a place they named Jamestown. The blue line represents the route first taken by the settlers.
They moved to the New World because they wanted expand their land claim. They also came because of lack of jobs and because of primogeniture. Primogeniture is the inheritance of family land by the oldest male sibling only, excluding all younger siblings including females.
ComplicationResult No womenNo growing community and lack of help with wifely duties Not used to hard laborMore time spent on building structures and at a slower pace Concentration of one crop (tobacco) No food resulting in death and inflation of tobacco Contaminated waterDeath No common goalNo established settlement
The settlers encountered the Native Americans when they landed in Jamestown. The encounter with the Native Americans was friendly at first and then turned not so friendly. The Native Americans thought that the settlers were taking their land away from them. The settlers thought the Native Americans were heathen savages with no religion, law, or written language.
Captain John Smith took charge of the Jamestown settlement and took charge of the people who settled there. Smith made the men plant and grow food for survival. He assigned them jobs and made them work together. Dug wells for suitable drinking water He sent for supplies and women from Europe. John Smith
Contributions to Europeans from Native Americans: Contributions to Native Americans from Europeans: corn turkey squash strawberry sweet potato sunflower tobacco tomato small pox cow goose horse rabbit (domestic) pig Water buffalo hemp These and many more!
The Europeans came over to the New World to make a better life for themselves. When they arrived here they encountered Native Americans. Their encounter was turned hostile for various reasons. The Native Americans and Europeans exchanged various things such as animals, plants, and food. Captain John Smith took control of the struggling colony and made them work together. Only half the Europeans survived the first year in the New World. The other half would have died without the leadership of John Smith.