Neurotherapy for kids Cascades Yoga and Neurotherapy Kate Bowers, Certified Handle® Screener
Hi! My name is Kate. I teach kids how to exercise their brain. The exercise is called neurotherapy. It can be a lot of fun! Why do brains need exercise Miss Kate?
Why brains need exercise… Exercise can help our brain to work better. Exercise causes our brain cells to start talking to each other in a new and different way.
Special Exercise Different exercises can help with different problems. An exercise can help with – Paying attention – Staying organized – Getting school work done – Writing down ideas – Understanding directions I could use a little help with snoring!
How do we know which exercises can help you most Like a detective Miss Kate helps kids uncover clues. She will ask you lots of questions. She will also have you do some drawing and fun exercises.
Your very own PROGRAM! Based on the clues that are uncovered, Miss Kate will create an exercise program for your very own brain! I want a program too!
Miss Kate’s brain exercises can be fun!
You are not alone. You have a support team to help you with your program!
Program check up… I will invite you back to visit with me. During your visit you will get to teach me your program. This is really fun for me!
Neurotherapy for kids When you do your program every day…your brain will get stronger!