Information Guide
AgendaWrestling Overview of Prior Lake Wrestling PLWC Goals & Expectations Practice Schedule Tournaments Stats Equipment Volunteer Hours Fundraising Communication
Overview of Prior Lake WrestlingWrestling MISSION: Promote excellence in wrestling and positively influence the lives of kids in the Prior Lake and Savage communities, by developing a commitment to wrestling through a fun and affordable team-oriented experience at practices and competitions, emphasizing sportsmanship, teamwork, skill building, physical conditioning, goal setting, a competitive spirit, hard work and a winning attitude. Our goal is to help guide our athletes to become the best and prepare them to face all of life’s challenges PLWC GOALS & EXPECTATIONS: Coaches Professional, organized & fair Foster a challenging but fun environment Positive role models for the kids Wrestlers Have fun!!! Try their best Listen to their coaches Parents Supportive and encouraging If you’re not sure, ask! Be an active member John Brennan/Youth Support To be available via or table support Tuesday & Thursday from 6:30-8:15
Practice Structure-Pat BloomquistWrestling Practices: Beginners/Intermediates:Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00-7:00 * All 3 practices are not mandatory Advanced:Tuesday & Thursday from 7:00-8:00 * Some kids in the Intermediate group may be asked to move up ***The season will have a “soft end” on February 13 th
Prior Lake Tournament-Tanya AnthonyWrestling Prior Lake Tournament Overview: 1.The objective is to give them experience in live matches 2.Takes place on December 15 th 3.Kids are grouped by grade, weight and experience 4.More information will follow later this month **Everyone is asked to volunteer (SignUpGenius)
Open Tournament StructureWrestling Open Tournaments: 1. Voluntary matches against kids from other clubs, paired up by age and weight 2. Schedule: List of open tournaments can be found for the entire year at * We will also have a sign up sheet every week during practice of the up-in-coming tournaments within the area. Purpose of sign up sheet: * Gives wrestlers and parents an idea of what tournaments other kids/parents will be attending. * Great opportunity to arrange car-pools if possible * To find out what parents/kids need assistance * To know what parents or coaches can help out if needed. State Qualifying Tournaments: 1. These will be identified either on the website or tournament sign-up sheet. 2. Please ask the coaches of John Brennan if you need information on these.
Out of Town Weekend-Lisa MooreWrestling Objective : Give the kids a chance to have fun as a group away from Prior Lake Give the parents a chance to know each other better When: Tentatively slated for January 12 th (Saturday) What is Paid For : 1.Entry fee for the tournament 2.Pizza party at night
Stats—Shannon SchultzWrestling Purpose of stats : Track the results for those that want to Recording stats is not mandatory Benefit of stats : End of year awards are given out How To Submit Stats : 1.Paper slips will be at the wrestling table on Tuesday & Thursday nights 2.Complete one slip per tournament 3.Review the monthly totals that come out for accuracy
EquipmentWrestling The following is available for rent: Singlet Headgear None of the above is mandatory. $65 deposit check to be destroyed once the equipment is returned. *** A limited number of shoes are available this week outside the wrestling room.
Volunteer HoursWrestling The parents make our program go & grow!!!! Volunteer Expectations: Kindergarten and under:4 hours 1 st grade and older:6 hours Volunteer Opportunities: 1.Prior Lake Tournament—Tanya Anthony 2.Mat Washing (counts as 30 minutes)—Tanya Anthony 3.Hall Monitoring (counts as 1 hour) 4.High school tournament (Dec. 14) $100 deposit check (one per family)—to be destroyed once your hours are fulfilled
FundraisingWrestling Checkbook blitz: Saturday, November 23 rd Meet at PLHS at noon Will conclude at 3:00 Pizza party afterwards at The Point 20 teams (combination of youth, MS & HS) $100 deposit check (one per family)—to be destroyed once your hours are fulfilled
FundraisingWrestling Checkbook Vendors ($20): The Point ($5)Houligans ($5)Dairy Queen ($5) Fongs ($5)UpTownGirls ($10)Mainstream Botique ($10) Tin Shed ($5)Tropical Smoothie ($5)McDonalds (BOGO) Pro Service Automotive ($20)Woodland Take n Bake ($8)Edelweiss ($5) The Cove ($6)VFW ($10)Perkins ($5) Roasted Pear ($10)Village Liquor ($5)Sebastian Automotive ($20)
CommunicationWrestling Weekly updates will come from John Brennan, and will include: Practice updates for the week Recognition of youth wrestlers Let me know of any milestones, such as: First tournament First win First pin Anything else! Website Table outside wrestling room
Where Does My Money Go?Wrestling Registration Fee Covers: T-shirt$12 Prior Lake tournament entry$12 Out of town tournament entry$12 Out of town pizza party$10 End of year awards$ 8 Other costs: Equipment Room rental Coaching certifications Wrestling room improvements Deposit Checks (made out to PLWC) Fundraising$100 Volunteer$100 Equipment$65