Common Electoral Roll Ajit Joshi District Election Officer Sonipat
Use of technology for election Management Use of Unicode Formation of call center with 6 operators on election day Software for roll revision and making it as a common pool for all sorts of elections
Background.. In the context of Haryana(P.R.):- –1994 and 2004 revision –BDO is Dist. Electoral Officer Definition of Wards:- –Continuity and Compactness Duplicity of votes –(Difference >15000 MC Sonipat)
Background.. Multiplicity of Roles:- –Wardbandi by Revenue Dept. i. e. C.R.O. –Election process by Development and Panchayat Department –Different priorities to Assembly and Panchayat elections at District level
Solution:- Single Database Single Database of Voters List –The Assembly Voter list can be used to generate the Panchayat Voter List or vice-versa –Automatic Generation of Panchayat List or Assembly List –This can be done on-demand or as a scheduled process. –The Reports can be printed for a Hardcopy List or viewed in a soft copy format for each Village. Additional features –Features like searching across specific fields like House Number will be possible in the proposed solution.
Situation:- Two separate lists Separate Panchayat and Assembly Voter lists –Both lists are independently created at considerable additional costs. –Every update to the Assembly list needs to be reflected in the Panchayat List. –Discrepancies exist between the lists which lead to incorrect Voter identification. –Creating the Panchayat List is a manual process and is error prone. –No photo images in the PRI list
Advantages Reduced Cost of Maintenance –Using the Parliamentary Electoral list reduces the total cost in generating and maintaining the Panchayat Voter List Reliability of Data –Maintaining a single Voter list allows for more Reliable data for voter identification. Value Add features –Value add Features like searching the Voters list for a specific House Number or Voter ID is possible. Automated or On-Demand generation of Voters List. –Specific List of Voters for a Single Ward or based on specific criteria is possible.
Adding New Technology.. Current Database in Microsoft Acess Using an SQL Server 2005 Database –The Access Database can be imported into an SQL Server Database to benefit from all the features available on SQL Server. Benefits of SQL Server –Better Performance - A single database can be hosted at one site for a specific district or region. All people in the region can access the application running against this single database. –More Secure – SQL Server provides additional security mechanisms to secure access to the data and also track changes being made to the Database. –Additional Features – Internet enabled reporting, scheduled online or reports or Ad-Hoc reporting and a host of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence features are available. – Any Data updation of commerce related activity like Excel Sheet can be updated!!
Suggestion.. Household as a unit and house numbering of the census shall be the base of electoral roll formation I-Card house numbering is match to census house numbering Bio-metric thumb impression (Ready for pilot on 5 booths, if permitted)(25 GB per AC, will save staff TA/DA of 5Lacs/AC) The reverse production of Voter List i.e. “Bottom to Top” from Panchayat to Loksabha will be more viable option as it get revised every year