ACE STRATEGY Use this strategy when you answer any open-ended questions that go along with a text that you have read.


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Presentation transcript:

ACE STRATEGY Use this strategy when you answer any open-ended questions that go along with a text that you have read.

Example Question: In the first chapter you read “The only reason I’m not ordinary is because no one else sees me that way”. Which character is talking and what is the meaning of this statement?

Analyze your questions and answer in a complete sentence Analyze your questions and answer in a complete sentence. Your sentence should restate the question. August is the character that says “the only reason I’m not ordinary is that no one else sees me that way”. The meaning of this statement is that August feels like an ordinary ten-year old boy, but other kids he meets do not treat him like his ordinary.

Cite your work! Cite the page number or paragraph where you find your answer. Use the author’s name and the title of the book/article when possible. Examples “According to the text on page….” “According to the text in paragraph….” “The author, Walter Dean Myers, says on page…..’ “The author, Walter Dean Myers, says in paragraph…..” On page 3 of the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, August says that he feels ordinary inside and does some of the same things that ordinary kids do such as eat ice cream and ride a bike, but he knows that “ordinary kids don’t make other ordinary kids run away screaming on playgrounds”.

EXPLAIN! EXTEND! ELABORATE! Extend, elaborate, support, and synthesize your answer by: Making connections Making predictions Making inferences Drawing Conclusions August reminds me of a friend in my class in elementary school. On the inside he was an ordinary kid and he liked to play kickball and video games. However, other kids at the school would make fun of him because he looked different.

Putting it all together…. In the first chapter you read “The only reason I’m not ordinary is because no one else sees me that way”. Which character is talking and what is the meaning of this statement? August is the character that says “the only reason I’m not ordinary is that no one else sees me that way”. The meaning of this statement is that August feels like an ordinary ten-year old boy, but other kids he meets do not treat him like his ordinary. On page 3 of the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, August says that he feels ordinary inside and does some of the same things that ordinary kids do such as eat ice cream and ride a bike, but he knows that “ordinary kids don’t make other ordinary kids run away screaming on playgrounds”. August reminds me of a friend in my class in elementary school. On the inside he was an ordinary kid and he liked to play kickball and video games. However, other kids at the school would make fun of him because he looked different.

Always do your best!!