WE WANT TO AVOID THESE PROBLEM -Addiction using Internet -Cyber crime -Wasting of time -Access to offensive content (pornography or illegal material) -Health conditions (sleep disorder and eating disorder)
EFFECTS ADDICTION IN SOCIAL NETWORKING Spending too much time online can really deter social and educational development. Distract one from one’s responsibilities. They might be at risk of coming across something inappropriate and even dangerous. Exposed to sexual predators.
EFFECTS OF CYBER BULLYING TO OUR GENERATION Being a victim of cyber crime could be most traumatic experience among teenagers. The worst cases can cause to death. Reduced productivity of teenagers that involved in this problem. Waste of valuable of time
HOW TO SHOW OUR LOVE? teach them how to use internet wisely. encourage them to involve in outdoor activities. Always practice good moral values in daily life Exposed them into knowledge activities like “1citizen”
THEREFORE… As a responsible citizen, we should have together to take care of our future generations and help them from involved in social problems.
HOW? We can start it with our family. We can put a limit of time that are allowed to spend on the computer. Parents can supports their child’s involvement in sports teams at an early age and make outside activities fun and interesting. Keep a log of how much we use the Internet for non-work or non-essential activities..
Parents make sure to monitor Internet activity with regards to chat rooms and educate their child on the potential dangers they present. Parents can talk to their children about subjects that they feel are important before their child have the chance to find out themselves.
InsyaAllah, we can do it!! InsyaAllah..we can stands together and give full commitment to help our future generations to free from social problems and live happily..
CREDITS TO: buruk-penggunaan-internet.html buruk-penggunaan-internet.html addictive-nature-of-social-networking-good- and-bad-sides.html addictive-nature-of-social-networking-good- and-bad-sides.html