6 things you can do to add Positivity into your home
1)Write Positivity Notes. You can write and display notes with affirmations and display them around the house. If your child can’t read yet, even simple notes with xx's and oo's to symbolize kisses and huge can be hidden in places for children to discover over time. You can either scatter them hazardly around the house, or turn it into a scavenger hunt where they get to find them all during a day or week..
2)Have a "laugh night" Kids can prepare knock-knock jokes. Parents can dress up in silly costumes. Someone can tell a funny story. You can paint each other's faces in clown make-up. There's no easier way to feel good about life than to have a great laugh.
3.-Encourage your kids to reflect. Older kids can be given a journal in which to reflect privately. Younger kids, however, often need to be coaxed. You can write open-ended questions on note cards, and they will answer them
4.Engage in friendly competition. Play a board game with your kids. Not only is this a great way to spend time together, it also teaches children perspective. Winning isn't everything. Losing isn't the end of the world. Why not play our "I Choose To Be Happy" e-Bingo game? We'll give it away for free to anyone that s me today.
5. Listen to positive music Music taps into an area of the brain where kids don’t even realize they are learning. It can turn grumpy into gleeful just by having it on !
6. Breathe calmly. It's important to practice a bit of calm and steady breathing, preferably in a quiet place. Yoga is a fun activity to do with kids too. I really like this video called Whale Yoga