General Information Dolton, IL N, W Riverdale, IL N, W Dolton Population 25,614 Riverdale Population 15,055 Dolton Zip Code Riverdale Zip Code Median temp 69 degrees Restaurants: - Club D’Elegance Cottage Grove Ave Burger King 1048 E. Sibley Blvd Chin Restaurant 610 E. 142nd St Village Café Family Restaurant Chicago Rd Domino’s Pizza 655 E. Sibley Blvd Family Kitchen Restaurant 825 E. Sibley Blvd Togo’s / Baskin Robbins / Dunkin’ Donuts 1136 E. Sibley Blvd Published Spring Cottage Grove Avenue, Dolton, IL , fax Drug Store: Walgreens 1150 E. Sibley Ave CVS Drugs 600 E. Sibley Blvd Laundry: Sibley Laundry 1009 E. Sibley Mama’s Coin Laundry 321 W. 138 th Street Grocery Stores: -Pete’s Fresh Market E. Sibley Blvd. - Fairway Finer Foods E. 144th St. - Dollar General E. Sibley Blvd. Airports and Airlines: - O’Hare International Airport Chicago Midway International Airport at Frontier Airlines Northwest Airlines Southwest Airlines Ted AirTran Comair Delta Air Lines American Airlines Continental Airlines Jet Blue Airways Parks: Needles Park, Dolton Park, Ivanhoe Park, Prairie Park, Riverdale Park Dolton Parks & Recreation Movie Theater: - Lansing Cinema Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL Libraries: Lincoln Ave. Dolton W. 144th St. Riverdale Churches: - Community Reformed Church 1110 E. Sibley Blvd. - Dolton Church of the Nazarene Lincoln Ave. - Faith United Methodist Church Grant St. - Holy Trinity Ame Church Ellis Ave. - Lorimer Baptist Church Lincoln Ave. - St. Mary’s of the Assumption 310 E. 137th St. - St. Paul Lutheran Church 245 E. 138th St. -New Life Celebration Church of God Dante Ave. Hospitals: - Ingalls Memorial Hospital St. Francis Hospital Vet / Animal Hospital: Sibley Animal Hospital 1020 Sibley Blvd Banks: - Standard Bank & Trust Co Lincoln Ave Heritage Community Bank 550 E. Sibley Blvd Harris Bank 555 Burnham Ave. Calumet City Dolton Police Dept Dolton Chamber of Commerce 824 E. Sibley Blvd Local Radio FM Stations: WLIT 93.9 WNUA 95.5 WBBM 96.3 WZZN 94.7 WDRV 97.1 WNND Dolton Post Office Cottage Grove Ave. (708) Transportation: - Balo’s Transportation (Limo) Yellow Cab, Hammond, IN O’Hare-Midway Limo Service Marine Services Corporation Courtesy Vehicle available - Also see current Metra Train Schedule into Chicago attached or ask at the office