Where can I go with this ticket? Summer Term Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Changes & Transition) Can I tell you what I can do now, that I couldn’t when I started in Reception? Can I sometimes tell you how change makes me feel? Games linked to transition to year 1 & changes Make an ‘all about me’ transition book to take to year 1 Transition visits to Y1 Physical Development Moving & handling To develop good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. To move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. To handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing. Health and Self care To know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, To manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently. Communication and Language Listening & attention To listen attentively in a range of situations. To listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions, actions. Speaking To express themselves effectively showing an awareness of listeners needs. To use the past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future. To develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events. Understanding To follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. To answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or even Literacy Reading To develop segmenting and blending skills To read simple sentences and talk about what they have read To find facts from information books (non-fiction books) To identify the key features of a non- fiction book Writing To develop letter formation. To write labels and captions which can be read by others. To write a simple sentence using their phonic knowledge to spell words. Mathematics Positional language Number problems with addition -Count on to find the answer Number problems with subtraction - count back to find the answer Capacity - comparing quantities Recap on Money & 3D shapes Understanding the World The World To talk about their local area and the features in their local area To talk about Africa in relation to the clothes people wear, the homes people live in and the weather. To compare their local environment with Africa Technology To identify technology within the home and within school. To identify the purpose of different technology People and communities – RE Prayer & Special Times What is Mezuzah? Make and decorate a Mezuzah Write a prayer to go into the Mezuzah Learn the Lord’s Prayer, Asking Prayer – linked to transition. Pentecost, celebrations throughout the year Expressive Arts and Design Making animal sounds related to the story Rumble in the Jungle. Cultural Pathway – Sir Elton John – Circle of Life (Lion King) Exploring African music and instruments Make an African drum Junk modelling making their house and adding labels and captions. Observational drawings of houses Exploring Clay -making an African mud hut Collage - African animals and labels LEARNING GUIDE FOR THE UPPER FOUNDATION STAGE - RECEPTION
ST. ANN’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY CENTRE SCHOOL INFORMATION School HOURS 8.55am – 3.10pm HEAD Teacher Mrs K. Keen CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Rev. S. Parish SCHOOL ADDRESS Lathom Avenue Warrington WA2 8AL SCHOOL TELEPHONE – Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to come in to school for any reason. REGULAR EVENTS DURING THE WEEK * Homework folder will sent home for the summer term Monday- Snack money. £1.20 in an envelope please Tuesday- Wednesday- PE, Please bring PE bags into school. Thursday- Friday- Celebration assembly 9:15am in school hall RECEPTION TEAM Class Teachers Mrs Sherwen Mrs Murray Teaching Assistants Miss Hilton SCHOOL DATES School starts back – Monday 8 th June 2015 Holidays School closes on Thursday 23 rd July 2015 Sports day Wednesday 8 th July 2015 For all other dates and events please refer to the school newsletter or website THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR CHILD AT HOME Naming 2D & 3D shapes, counting /recognising numbers 1-20 and beyond,1 more / less, adding, taking away objects, recognising coins Listen to your child read and practice words and sounds daily. Encourage your child to speak confidently in a sentence using the correct tense. Teach them to put their coat on and off, plus get dressed and undressed by themselves. Play “I spy” and read words in public places e.g. “danger” “Tesco” etc. Help them to write their full name and numbers (1-20), forming them correctly. We are aware that some children may be able to do many of these targets already. All children will be moved along the learning curve and level of play at their own rate *Remember to ask if you have any queries. CULTURAL PATHWAY Author – Oliver Jeffers Composer – Sir Elton John Artist – Vincent Van Gough SCHOOL VISITS Reception visit to Farmer Teds Farm, Ormskirk – Monday 6 th July 2015 Walk around local area