Andy Warhol Pop Artist
Andy Warhol From Pittsburgh, PA 2 of Warhol’s paintings have sold for 100 million dollars or more, Eight Elvises and Silver Card Crash (Double Disaster). Only 7 other artists have ever reached the 100 million dollar benchmark: Van Gogh, Picasso, Cezanne, Pollock, de Kooning, Klimt, Renoir, Munch.
1963, Silkscreen Sold in 2008 for 100 million
1963, Silkscreen Sold in 2013 for million
Andy Warhol He was the youngest of 4 children in the Warhola family (he later changed his name to Warhol). They were immigrants from Slovakia. Warhol’s father was a coal miner and they lived in South Oakland.
Andy Warhol In 3 rd grade Andy caught Scarlet Fever and was bedridden. While confined to his bed he drew and surrounded himself with pictures of his favorite movie stars. He credits this experience as being very important in his decision to become an artist. At the age of 13, his father died in an accident.
Andy Warhol Andy began to pursue art in college, he attended CMU. Soon he moved to New York and began to sell his work to magazines for advertisements. He was also hired by RCA Records to design album covers. His first gallery show was in 1962 and included many of his now famous works.
Marilyn Diptych
100 Soup Cans
100 Coke Bottles
100 Dollar Bills
Andy Warhol These images as well as ones of Jackie Kennedy, Elvis Presley, and Muhammad Ali helped to launch his career. He became known as a Pop Artist, because he painted images that were prevalent in Popular Cultural. He painted images people saw during their everyday lives.
Muhammad Ali
Jackie Kennedy
Andy Warhol Painting images seen everyday was a new concept to the art world. People were paintings beautiful images of flowers, the ocean, posed family portraits, etc. Why would someone want to paint something as lowly as a Campbell’s Soup Can or as commonplace as a Coke bottle? Andy Warhol had this to say about Coke …
Andy Warhol “What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coca-Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca-Cola, and just think, you can drink Coca-Cola, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the cokes are the same and all the cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it.” Warhol was essentially confronting the public to make them ask themselves- what is art? And what isn't?
Liz Taylor
Coca Cola
Warhol – Self Portraits Aside from creating many images of the rich and famous, and popular items like Coke bottles and Campbell’s Soup, Warhol often painted himself. A portrait is an image of a person. It could be a photograph, drawing, painting, etc. A self portrait is an image of yourself. (Again it could be done in any media.)
Self Portraits
Andy Warhol Warhol was also famous for starting “The Factory”. It was a place for bohemian eccentrics he labeled as “Superstars”. Many were involved in the production of his artwork and starred in his films. Collaboration on his artwork has been a defining and controversial aspect of his work. Should an artwork be worth 100 million dollars if someone else helped you make it? Should you have to share the profits? Why or why not?
Superstar, Edie Segwick with Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol In 1968, one of Warhol’s “Superstars” shot him because he had lost a script she had written for him. Her name was Valerie Solanas. Warhol barely survived the attack.
Andy Warhol Doctors had to open his chest and massage his heart to stimulate it to move again. He suffered physical affects the rest of his life. After the attack, the days of “The Factory” ended. The shooting did not make big news in the media, RFK was shot 2 days later overshadowing Warhol’s brush with death.
Andy Warhol Warhol recuperated and continued to work through the 70’s, capturing such famous people as John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Diana Ross, Brigitte Bardot and Michael Jackson. His famous portrait of Chinese Communist Leader Mao Tse Tung was done in 1973.
Mao Tse Tung
John Lennon
Mick Jagger
Michael Jackson
Andy Warhol Warhol was criticized by some in the art community for being a “business artist”. (Meaning he was in it just for the money) The called him superficial, fake and commercial. In hindsight some have come to call him the “most brilliant mirror of our times”.
Andy Warhol Andy Warhol is famous for saying… “ In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” With the dawn of reality TV, perhaps he was right?
Andy Warhol Warhol died in Feb while undergoing routine gallbladder surgery. The funeral was held at Holy Ghost Church on the North side and he is buried in Pittsburgh. All of his money was donated to youth advancement of the arts.
Andy Warhol