Danielle Loveless Lansing High School Health Teacher
Health education instills in students the knowledge and skills to examine alternatives and make responsible health-related decisions. Drawing on knowledge from the biological, environmental, psychological, social, physical and medical sciences, health education helps students learn to prevent and manage health problems.
Introduction/Review of health concepts Review the three sides of the health triangle taught in the middle school health program Families and Relationships Advocacy center (community resource ) Stress Yoga and meditation Mental Health Unit project to learn about a variety of mental disorders Learn the history of treatment
Reproductive System Review of Male/Female Anatomy Communicable Diseases Non-Communicable Diseases Nutrition/Fitness Three day food log activity Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco Unit project focusing on long-term/short-term effects of a specific drug
This is a half year - elective course offered to juniors and seniors. Focus is placed on nutrition and exercise on one’s body.
Topics of discussion: The digestion system Relationship of food and disease Nutrients – macro and micronutrients How to read food labels Food/Cooking labs Analysis of our eating habits
Topics of Discussion: Components of Fitness Evaluate the role of exercise and disease Analysis of personal fitness (use of heart rate monitors, calculate target heart rate, develop a personalized exercise plan)